Very dramatic "Fidelio" at the styriarte


With his only opera – "Fidelio" – Ludwig van Beethoven created a masterpiece 200 years ago. How dramatically his grand opera of freedom, the styriarte shows this weekend in a very dramatic version.

A tyrannical leader who remains politically irremovable in prison. And a woman in male outfit who wants to free her husband from this dungeon: Leonore aka Fidelio. It is a story of oppression, courage, love and hope that composed Beethoven


Against Authoritarian Regimes

Beethoven's "Fidelio" was a highly political statement against corruption and corruption at the time of its creation authoritarian regimes. This styriarte proved Friday night in Graz Helmut's list room that Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) as a song song on camouflaged conjugal fidelity as key to the political opposition in 2018.

Interviews video with refugees instead of dialogues

styriarte playwright Thomas Höft opted for a radical solution in his staged opera very played. He completely eliminated the difficult and hopelessly archaic dialogues and replaced them with repeated video interviews in the background of the scene with refugees currently living with a vacant status in the vicinity of Graz.In addition, his own voice as narrator led the plot. He cleverly linked the individual destinies with the "Fidelio" plot. Often described as long, tonight's two-and-a-half hour work sparked surprising amusement in a de facto concerted performance.

An overview of the torture and escape stories of today provides video footage of refugees in Austria. ] Very up to date, just a little further

"We believe in Austria, it is far, it was 200 years ago, bad, but we have it behind us. And then we look a few hundred miles away and there is exactly what Beethoven knew in his time, very up to date, "explains Höft." Beethoven and our present are interconnected. He speaks to us today and gives answers for today and hope for today. "

" More dinner accompaniment "

" So the music will have a different dimension and in all the threat no more than a dinner accompaniment program "C & # 39; is something that goes to the throat and touches our heart, "said Sytriarte director Mathis Huber

Airily Conducted

Colombian conductor Andres Orozco-Estrada did his best on the night of the first. from the high-quality orchestra of the styriarte orchestra. The List-Halle has again proved its good acoustics. "Fidelio" is the sincere wish of orchestra conductor Andres Orozco-Estrada, originally from Latin America, where torture prisons are still a reality today.


Awesome Soundscape

Member of various choirs and singers from Graz Background of 14 colorful nations "Fidelio" -Chor delivered in the finali of each file an impressive soundscape. Speaking of landscapes: it was not necessary given the style of play chosen for the concert

Donations for aid organizations

The audience responded partly enthusiastically, partly restricted to the performance. In order to highlight the credibility of the staging, the household solicited donations for the two regional organizations that helped to select the individual destinies of the asylum seekers

About 8,400 euros were already in the pot before the first – powered by collaborative artists, especially by the conductor Orozco-Estrada orchestra. From the public we still want a lot on both nights of performance. On July 16, the money collected will be donated to both aid organizations in the Halle List.


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