Vienna Airport in the first half of the year with passenger growth


Good news for the boss of Vienna airport Julian Jäger (photo): The number of pbadengers of the largest airport in Austria increased by 5.5% to 11.8 million in the first half , while 2.5 million pbadengers were treated during the month of June (plus 7.9 percent). From January to June, the entire Flughafen Wien Group, including its holdings in Malta and Ko š recorded a 7.6% increase to 15.1 million travelers [19659002]. The airport climbed in June by 8.5 percent for transfer pbadengers, there was an increase of 6.7 percent, the Vienna International Airport AG quoted Wednesday. In June, the number of flights, up 5.5% from the same month of the previous year, also took off. Freight volume increased by 2.7 percent.

>>> Read more: The Vienna Airport has significantly increased its profits

Positive Development in All Directions

Pbadenger traffic to Western Europe increased by 5.7% at Vienna International Airport in June, followed by Europe's East, up 5.2%. Air traffic to the Far East (plus 41.9%) and Africa (37.8%) was particularly buoyant. Pbadenger traffic increased by 3.6 per cent in North America and 5.7 per cent in the Middle East.

International airports also had a lot more pbadengers: Malta grew by 16.3 percent to 3 million travelers in the first half as well. In Ko š ice, there was an increase of 14.2 percent to about 213,000 pbadengers during this period.

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