Vienna Insurance: What's really exciting now … ()


The insurance course in Vienna will be announced on 10.11.2018 at 20:29 in the center of Vienna with 24.29 EUR. The paper belongs to the "Multi-Life Insurance" segment.

We badyzed this stock in 7 points and noted "Buy", "Keep" or "Sell". At the end of the badysis, you will find the overall score obtained.

1. Technical badysis: Vienna Insurance's average closing price over the last 200 trading days is currently EUR 25.05. The last closing price (EUR 24.28) thus deviated from -3.07%, which corresponds to a valuation "pending" from the technical point of view. Let's look at the average of the last 50 trading days. In addition, for this value (24.01 EUR), the last closing price is close to the moving average (+ 1.12%), so that the Vienna Insurance share also receives a note "hold". In total, the share of Vienna Insurance receives the mention "hold" for a simple mapping technology.

2. Investors: investor sentiment is based on the discussions and interactions of social media market players in the stock market. Vienna Insurance has been the subject of particularly positive discussions over the past two weeks. For two days, the discussion was mainly characterized by positive topics, while one day negative communication predominated. Currently, in the last two or three days, these are mostly positive topics that interest investors. Because of this feeling, the stock today gets a "buy" rating. This gives Vienna Insurance a "buy" rating based on the investor sentiment barometer as a whole.

3. Relative Strength Index: The Relative Strength Index, abbreviated as RSI, indexes the 7-day stock price trend by reporting upward movements to the number of movements. The standard range is 0 to 100. The Vienna Insurance RSI is 13.85, which is considered oversold. This results in an evaluation as a "purchase". The RSI25 extends the calculation period to 25 days. The RSI for Vienna Insurance is 57.32. This is considered an indicator of a situation neither overbought nor sold, which is a "hold" zugeodnert. Overall, we therefore badign the category "buy" to this category.

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