Virgin Galactic wants to build a spaceport in Italy

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Virgin Galactic
announced a partnership with Italian aerospace companies Altec and Sitael, together in a two-year plan to establish the framework of a [19659002] in Italy from where Virgin Galactic wants to offer spaceflight in the future.The Italian space agency should not have major problems, as the owner Altec is

As a location for the

chose the Taranto Grottaglie Airport, which is geographically located in the heel of the Italian boot. Launches should be done horizontally. In collaboration with the partner companies, a spacecraft will be built, which will be launched exclusively from the new Spaceport . This spacecraft would suit both space tourism and space agency research

VSS Unity

A schedule for the construction of Spaceport and the completion of the new vessel Space is not yet available. Currently, Virgin Galactic with the VSS Unity has only one spacecraft. This has already completed test flights, but not yet in space.

The VSS Unity launches a runway with a specially designed aircraft. When the target altitude is reached, the VSS Unity gets put in capsule and pulls its motors to enter the space. After a few minutes of rest, she returns to the Earth 's atmosphere before landing on a runway, like a regular plane.


Virgin Galactic
has a partnership with the Italian Space Company Altec and Sitael were announced together in a two-year plan to set up a spaceport in Italy from there Virgin Galactic In the future, the Italian Space Agency should not have major problems because it owns 39, Altec

chose the Taranto Grottaglie Airport, which is geographically located in the heel of the Italian boot.The launches should be carried out horizontally.In collaboration with the partner companies, a vessel Space will be built, which will be launched exclusively from the new Spaceport This spacecraft would suit both space tourism and the search for space agency

VSS Unity

A calendar for a construction of Spaceport and the completion of the new spacecraft is not yet available. Currently, Virgin Galactic with the VSS Unity has only one spacecraft. This has already completed test flights, but not yet in space.

The VSS Unity launches a runway with a specially designed aircraft. When the target altitude is reached, the VSS Unity gets put in capsule and pulls its motors to enter the space. After a few minutes of stay, she returns to the Earth 's atmosphere before landing on a runway, like a normal plane.

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