Virtuoso: The wearing of remastered dark souls was easier than expected


In an interview with NintendoLife have Dark Souls: Remastered Executive producer Lukas Codr and Dark Souls: Remastered Producer Tang Mengjia revealed some details about working with the switch. Part of Virtious is not just about portering Dark souls makes a name but also The black and Starlink: Battle For Atlas brought to the home console of Nintendo.

The work on the FromSoftwares masterpiece took about a year and was particularly difficult, according to the developers, to ensure a stable frame rate and network stability in multiplayer mode. In summary, the developers described the work with the switch as nice and less difficult than originally planned.

To be honest, we thought it would be harder than it actually was. With respect to hardware-specific issues, Nintendo has provided valuable support when solving technical problems and improving performance, for example. Personally, I found the switch developing really comfortable and simple.

With his experience, the developer is convinced that he will continue to work with developers to bring their games to the portable console. At the present time, there are also exciting projects underway for Switch, for which no information can be provided.

For obvious reasons, we can not say exactly what we are working on, but we will certainly have exciting high-profile games coming out very soon. By wearing Dark Darks, we proved that we could take care of any switch project. We are therefore confident that we will have more projects in the future. Ubisoft Starlink: Battle for Atlas, which has been hailed by critics.

Sebastian Schmidt

Basically, the motto is: I play everything! However, this statement is limited by the addition of "not very good". Although this limitation has led to the exclusion of all successful gaming projects in the circle of friends, it in turn promotes an open attitude towards all genres, brands and brands. and platforms. Fanatic worship and participation in console warfare and pseudo-elitism, I do not know.

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