Visceral had good ideas for Dead Space 4


With Dead Space 3 finished the EA series and Visceral Games. Not in the developer's interest, he had some cool ideas on how to proceed with the series (like Dead Space 4).

Addressing Eurogamer, Ben Wanat, creative director of the Dead Space series (and now at Crystal Dynamics), some of his early ideas

Dead Space as Open World Play

So you wanted to add several survival mechanisms to the game – which, given the state of humanity at the end of Dead Space 3

"The idea was that day after day, you fight contaminated ships, look for a glimpse of life, look for supplies to keep your own little boat and look for survivors. "Wanat explained.

Non-linear gameplay was also expected, which was already the case several times in Dead Space 3 .Visceral would have liked to refine and deepen this for a sequel.

And what about the story?

The idea was that it's an episodic thing that is divided into chapters and tries to stylize this style of storytelling with the l & # 39;

"I thought you were going to start in some of the space, maybe follow a ship hull track at an orbital station that you think will be the parts and the fuel might have to keep your boat afloat, "said Wanat. You will begin to paint an image of what has happened in this region as you make your way through many necromorphs from one ship to the other. And you will learn new critical information, as well as ways to knock you to a few nearby areas.

Wannat also spoke of the future of the franchise, noting that Visceral knew how they wanted to end the game, and that there was an escalation – but also that it would not be the ultimate end of the game.After all, EA could again revive the brand.The reason for the end of the Dead Space Games is a clear one: the under-sold games compared to production costs.

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