Volkswagen wants to put less money in production facilities – Economy –


11.11.2018 13:33

(Act 11.11.2018 13:33)

A reduction of 30% is expected by 2025

A reduction of 30% is expected by 2025
© APA (dpa / archive)

Volkswagen plans to spend less money in its factories over the next seven years, while increasing its productivity. "We want to reduce our investment in manufacturing equipment by 30% on average by 2025 compared to today," said a VW board member and leading car builder. Porsche, Oliver Blume, according to the preliminary report.

It focuses on economies of scale and synergies with the world's largest automaker and its many brands. Blume described the goals he was pursuing with his group production strategy for the 2025 horizon as "clear and ambitious". For the VW group, production must be a competitive advantage in the future.

Volkswagen focuses mainly on its modular system and its inter-brand packaging during badembly. "Regarding placement, platform orientation is the top priority," said Gerd Walker, group production manager at VW, "Automobilwoche". This would require that the production equipment can be used longer. "We will design the facilities of our plants as much as possible so that they can be used for the next generation of vehicles," Walker said. "We will definitely continue to develop our modular strategy."

Volkswagen is halfway to electric mobility and needs a lot of money for electric mobility. By 2022, the Wolfsburg Group wants to invest more than 34 billion euros in new electric cars, autonomous driving and digitization. By 2025, the group's brands will market more than 80 new electric models.

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