Waagner-Biro: These sales are due to bankruptcy | Bankruptcies | Folders & Series


In the group of insolvent Anlagenbauers, Waagner Biro, sales are up. For the section on the technology of the scene, it should be next week, says the administrator of the insolvency.

Even before Filial scene technology Austrian reorganizer Erhard Grossnigg presented an offer to stage technology company Austria Stage Systems, following the bankruptcy of other parts of the group.

According to "press", there is a competitor, but the chance of Grossniggs to win the contract is considered very big. "I want to close the sale next week," said Romana Weber-Wilfert, Insolvency Administrator of Waagner-Biro AG, in a newspaper.

Also, the sale of the insolvent The construction of the subsidiary bridge (Waagner-Biro Bridge Systems AG) is progressing. For the short offer period until December 7.

At the same time, another subsidiary of the insolvent Waagner-Biro AG, the company WBB steel and mechanical engineering AG, filed a petition in bankruptcy with the Vienna Commercial Court. This is what the creditor badociations AKV and KSV 1870 have announced. The small company has only one employee, the total liability to the 10 creditors concerned is approximately 160,000 euros. (Apa / red)

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