"We are running out of Tesla": Tesla Share: That's why the legend of investor Steve Eisman bets against Tesla | message


Steve Eisman has made a name with his bets on security mortgages during the financial crisis. He emerged as one of the few winners of this dark period for the markets. Meanwhile, he is considered one of the greats of Wall Street and many investors pay close attention to his movements – even the most recent ones.

Tesla Shares Short

In an interview with Bloomberg last Friday, Eisman candidly admits, "I do not see the value of Tesla, we are running out of Tesla." And with that, Eisman is far from it. The Tesla stock is one of the most traded securities on Wall Street.Other experts, such as Jim Cramer, are predicting a golden future for Tesla's share. Negative evaluation of Eisman lies especially in Tesla's CEO.

Musk "Has Implementation Problems"

Last week, Tesla made headlines for its leader Elon Musk . The visionary CEO was becoming slimmer, whether it involved business development or personal concerns. Exactly this slimming runs the risk of sharing Tesla for Eisman: "Elon Musk is a very smart man, but there are many smart people in this world and Schlausein is not enough, you have to implement it and he has implementation problems, "says Eisman in the Bloomberg interview.

Elon Musk telephoned badysts' questions during a teleconference, offended one of Thailand's troglodyte divers on Twitter, and blacked a Tesla critic of his boss. But that's not all: the CEO's rants also come with rumors of the Group's potential insolvency. For example, Tesla recently asked providers to repay the funds they had already paid. Eisman sees yet another problem: Tesla does not switch to automated driving and "the big competition in this area will take place next year".

Next Wednesday, Tesla will present its balance sheet for the last quarter and investors are looking forward to the next conference call. Eisman also looks forward to: "We'll see how his shift unfolded."

Writing finanzen.net

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