West Nile virus has now reached Vienna – Health


West Nile virus spread in early August on the beaches of the Adriatic and reached Austria.


Do you use gel protection?

Spread West Nile Virus October 2018
Propagation of West Nile virus in October 2018 (Image: zVg)

Twenty-four Austrians have already been contaminated with the dangerous pathogens of West Nile fever this season in the European Union and in other countries of the European Union. It was not until October that cases on the border with Lower Austria were reported – "heute.at".

Now, the deadly virus – at least 39 patients have already lost their lives – is making a new sensation in Austria. A German woman was not allowed to donate blood in her country of origin because she was in Austria.

4 weeks lock

After her stay in Vienna, Bianka Ullmann tried to donate blood. But that remained with the attempt. Because she's been rejected, at least for the moment. In Germany, people who have recently traveled to Austria apparently have a four-week withdrawal period for donating blood. The reason: the West Nile virus.

Apparently, Austria has been clbadified as a potentially dangerous country or a concern for the virus. According to the "Red Cross", in Vienna or in other federal states, she could have given blood without any problem.

"People in a permanent or seasonal risk zone linked to West Nile virus can donate blood from 1 June to 30 November 2017 to the blood transfusion service in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland. as well as to the blood transfusion services of Styria, Carinthia and Vorarlberg ", it says on the side of the Red Cross.

Cases to report

Only 20% of West Nile virus infections are badociated with signs of illness. Symptoms usually appear between three and 14 days after the sting of an infected gel. The disease usually manifests itself as an influenza infection.

Spread of West Nile virus in Europe

Less than 1% of West Nile virus infections are badociated with meningitis, brain inflammation or paralysis. These serious events can also result in permanent damage and death. Cases are to be reported at the EU level.

For more information on West Nile Fever, check out the netdoktor experts.

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