Westfalen-Blatt: WESTFALEN BLATT (Bielefeld) at the chaos of the airport | message


Bielefeld (ots) – Small cause, catastrophic effect: Thousands
are stuck at the second largest airport in Germany because – well,
because a woman around 40, mumbo jumbo, in the uncontrolled
Security zone disappears and can no longer be found
may be. Did she want to disturb the security guards she had before?
had ruffled? Or does she, naive in matters
Aviation and already excited, simply wasted in general
Gewhl at Munich Airport, with the start of holidays in the
Free State had to face the first big wave of travel? in
It should be stopped in seconds, but it has hours
taken to find them – everywhere. About the exact
The circumstances the authorities are still silent. How can this happen?
In Germany, and – spicy – even more in Bavaria, yes
Always satisfied, particularly competent in security
exit. Well, the pbadenger has to take it out – and that
not only since this Saturday in Munich. Shortage of staff and
Disorganization is everyday life in the German security zone
Airports. The following chaos has already been recorded.

OTS: Westfalen-Blatt
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