What colored ribbons are really good – New knowledge: medicine and psychology


In summer, when we show a lot of bare skin, we often see them: colored stripes, resembling plaster, on the shoulder blades and knees, along thorns or on bronzed bellies. When the first specimens appeared on the bodies of competitive athletes at the 2004 Olympics, they were still ridiculed as fashion accessories. Meanwhile, Physio bands have also established in the normal population as a serious medical device and approved by health insurance. One that, among other things, strengthens muscles, improves mobility and heals wounds. And not only during the hot season.

As physiotherapist Stephan Mogel testifies to the practice at Wettingen AG, patients are increasingly asking for therapeutic bands because they would have used the same symptoms in a colleague. But cbadettes are also prescribed by general practitioners, for example in addition to physiotherapy. As founder of Kinesio Switzerland, Stephan Mogel trains around 1,000 people each year. doctor. Mbadeurs, osteopaths, occupational therapists and sports scientists in the technique of recording. Aged 42, he said: "There are many areas of application – sports trauma, orthopedics, internal medicine, rheumatology and even gynecology." The original names are Kinesio cbadettes – of "kinesiology", which means much as science of movement means.

Kinesio tapes of good quality are made of cotton, elastane and acrylic glue. Acrylic because unlike latex, it causes virtually no allergic reaction. The extensibility of the bands is modeled on that of the outer skin layer, so that they present themselves to the user as a second skin. Because they are hardly perceived, it is not easy to understand the mechanism by which the strips are effective.

"A ribbon does not necessarily belong to the place where the pain is."Stephan Mogel, physiotherapist

The basic idea of ​​registration is that in many healing processes, moderate exercise is beneficial. Unlike a normal supportive bandage, the patient's range of motion is not limited by the highly elastic ribbon. The injured or overworked muscles are spared but still slightly stressed. Stephan Mogel explains: "The receptors of the outermost skin layer receive a continuous mechanical stimulus from the band and are transmitted to the brain: here you have to activate this muscle!" improves and relieves pain. In addition, the skin is minimally lifted by the band and moved against the underlying tissue as it moves.

"This promotes blood circulation and therefore the distribution of anti-inflammatory substances in the smallest blood vessels," explains Stephan Mogel. Last but not least, the physical bands – as the bands are also called – decongestant, because they stimulate the pumping function in the veins and lymphatics.

Auto-suggestion plays a role

Are bands not effective simply because the wearer believes in their effects? "Of course," says Stephan Mogel, "autosuggestion is involved, why not?" Because if a band reminds the patient to sit 50 times a day, the posture really improves and the pain decreases. "The band activates an endogenous self-healing system, giving us a boost in the right direction."

The recording was invented by the Japanese chiropractor Kenzo Kase. In the 1970s, he repeatedly made the same observation in his practice: when he pulled the shoulder of a patient too far forward, he said, "Wow, that feels good. Can not you give me a hand at home? The self-adhesive tapes that Kenzo Kase began to develop were an attempt to extend the therapeutic effect beyond the treatment – making the entrance of his hand virtually permanent. continuously until one week until she starts to come off.

The effectiveness is proven: a woman receives Physio ribbons for a headache. Photo: Getty Images

The effectiveness of Kinesio ribbons has been demonstrated in a wide variety of studies. One of them, that Stephan Mogel himself realized: For his thesis at the University of Salzburg, 110 subjects performed various exercises of strength and stretching – once with and once without tape on the muscles of the back thigh. His strength and mobility measurements showed that almost all participants (athletes and non-athletes) achieved better results with tape than without them. Without the patient's "cooperation", however, a therapeutic band will not heal.

"It's still a partial measure in a treatment, like a clbadical physiotherapy," says Stephan Mogel. The list of problems on taping offers is long. Particularly promising are: muscle tension and tension, backache, shoulder dislocation, elbow dislocation, tendinitis, lumbago, cruciate ligament injury, Achilles tendon overload, hip (joint congestion) conflict, growth of foot and oblique hallux).

Activate instead of quiet

But tape is also present in osteoarthritis in the train: chronic joint disease
arise for example in the hip, if the muscles of the bad are not correct
works. The ligaments and tendons must then hold the joint alone. Stability
For mediation, they gather together, causing pressure on the articular cartilage
exercises. These begin to break down. Because the joint is now even more unstable,
Tendons and ligaments contract further. "A ribbon can break this vicious circle by stimulating the muscles to get their work back," says Stephan Mogel. "The pressure in the joint decreases, the cartilage can grow again, the discomfort decreases."

"Instead of compression stockings, you can counter thrombosis with tape."Stephan Mogel, physiotherapist

A band can also help with badlash. Overflowing to a
Accident, a muscle is weakened, that it tries to compensate by itself
gang. Often, doctors recommend that the muscle in the narrow be as quiet as possible
provide. A mistake, as Stephan Mogel thinks: "With a cbadette in the right place
You can reactivate and strengthen the affected muscle. "
a tension headache similar to migraine, including blurred vision, could
to be exploited, says the expert, provided that it is triggered by malpractice
was. When we sit in the office chair and chin towards
Slide the screen, creates pressure in the neck. "I withdraw that by
I give the spine a boost to the erection. "

According to Stephan Mogel, an adhesive tape applied to the abdomen can even treat menstrual cramps. "When the uterus contracts,
This will cause tension on the bands holding them. It hurts. With the ribbon, the physiotherapist tries to mimic what women do intuitively against the pain: supporting the abdominal tissue with the hand up. In the same way
Even a baby with a colic of three months can be relieved of his abdominal pain
be. "It's about relaxing the peritoneum, leaving more space to the intestines
and the digestive gases can escape, "explains Stephan Mogel.

Expertise is required

Physio ribbons are also used before the pain is felt.
About the moment when someone continues to be hunchbacked
taken, when weeding in the garden quickly becomes tired
Flight. "Instead of compression stockings, you can have a thrombosis with a
If you attach it before the flight, thwart the band, "says Stephan Mogel.
And in athletes let the function of certain muscles with regard to
specifically stimulate new training objectives.

The fall of prophylaxis is another key word for the recording specialist. This is not only for the elderly still, but also for young people who have undergone surgery or who have pronounced sofa legs. Because fast-twitch muscle fibers, which can keep us from falling due to rapid contractions, always form first. "They do not disappear, they forget rather," says Stephan Mogel. "With ribbons on the thighs, bad or trunk, I can give them a stimulus for a few weeks so that they can become active again and react more quickly," says Mogel. "Combined with appropriate gymnastic exercises."

If a band is cut several times, it stimulates the venous system: Fächertape on the leg and foot. Photo: Getty Images

Proper placement of a faucet requires specific expertise and
therefore belongs to a trained person. With a special
Examination technology must find them individually for each patient
where the tape must be glued. "Because it does not necessarily belong to the
Where the pain is, "explains Stephan Mogel. A badlash could on about
have their origin in the neck, but also in the abdominal muscles.
Depending on the desired effect, the expert gives a train on the tape or not.
In addition, different cutting techniques are used. A so-called
I-tape (right band) is suitable for muscle activation, a Y-band
(when cut) for swelling or scarring, and a fan band (cut several times) stimulates the venous system on the surface. After more precise
Instructed by the professional, the patient can attach the next band to his home or be helped by a family member.

In the meantime, bands of more than 40 suppliers are available in pharmacies or on the Internet, depending on the quality, between 9 and 25 francs. Break down
you can not do anything with a poorly positioned tape. At worst,
it does not show the desired effect. "Like a band of movement and strength
it can also hinder it, "explains Stephan Mogel.

(Swiss family)

Date of creation: 17.09.2018, 16h54

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