WhatsApp Emojis & Co: Today is their big day


Forget words and letters, we have emojis. On the occasion of World Small Faces and Images Day, let's review the most important facts behind it.

July 17, World Emoji Day, the birthday of Smiley. Text messaging has already revolutionized beloved images, in some cases up to the total loss of written language. But what lies behind and where does WhatsApp-Emojis and Co. actually come from?

What are emojis and what do you need?
The Emojis are small symbols that are now in as well as any form of electronic communication will emerge. They show different facial expressions, everyday objects, activities, animals and more. With their help, emotions and clues are presented in Texts that otherwise could only be transmitted non-verbally.

Where does the idea of ​​using emojis come from?
Aus Japan . The word emoji is composed of the Japanese terms E (image) and Moji (characters). The engineer Shigetaka Kurita designed in 1999 the first emoji for a mobile Internet platform of the mobile operator NTT DoCoMo ]. He was particularly inspired by comics, where symbols such as bulbs on the head indicate that a character currently has an interesting idea

Emojis and who decides what becomes emoji ?
Emojis can basically design and submit it to the Unicode Consortium. This organization runs the Unicode, an international standard for displaying characters without which no Computer smartphone or tablet supports. Emojis has been integrated with Unicode since 2009, due to its popularity even outside of Japan in previous years.

Why different emojis
Each software manufacturer decides itself what emojis it offers to its users and how exactly they are displayed. Large computer companies, such as Google Apple Microsoft or Facebook use this facility to make their own style

How many emojis are there and how many times emojis are they used?
In the Unicode version 11.0 published in June, more than 2800 are emojis integrated. The last emojis do not appear everywhere at the same time. The stock will be gradually expanded by software manufacturers. In Facebook the current total number is about 2666. Users of the largest social network in the world use more than 700 million emojis in their messages each day.

Is the introduction of new emojis still without conflict?
Because of Emojis there are often heated debates. For example, the emoji pistol which is identified by many as a symbol of violence and therefore rejected. More and more software manufacturers are converting Emoji to a spray gun. The Unicode Consortium has never removed an emoji . What was once introduced remains available in the future

What happens on World Emoji Day?
New York The musical "Emojiland" celebrates its world premiere. The 2018 World Emoji Awards will be lost on the internet. On worldemojiawards.com you can vote for prizes in different categories. Google organizes a kind of virtual treasure hunt, where you have to take pictures of objects as quickly as possible, which are given as emoji. The whole thing is to improve Google's image recognition algorithms

This article was published on Futurezone.at.

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