WhatsApp update: Contacts will be evaluated in the future


Since 2009, more and more people around the world are using the popular WhatsApp Messenger to communicate with loved ones, coworkers or acquaintances. WhatsApp has been part of Facebook since 2014 and is regularly updated with new features. In this article, we will keep you informed of each new update of WhatsApp.

Updated November 12, 2018

WhatsApp contacts are ranked in the ranking

WhatsApp is currently testing a feature that ranks contacts based on specific criteria. The more frequently you communicate with a contact through the messenger, the more responsive it is to your messages and your WhatsApp status, and the more groups it has, the higher the contact slip in the rankings. Ranking affects status updates. Until now, these are clbadified according to their timeliness and listed with the timestamp. With the new Contacts ranking system, the status of WhatsApp users with whom you interact most often has priority. The timestamp disappears, indicating when the status update has been released. Instead, there is only the announcement "1 New".

Ranking of contacts in WhatsApp status

Until now, WhatsApp is testing the ranking feature in the iOS beta app with version number The feature is only applied to WhatsApp and will not affect the contact list of Instagram or Facebook. how WhatsAppBetaInfo written, it will take some time for the messenger to check and sort all your contacts after activating the ranking function. The information required for the evaluation is based on the discussion logs that are on the smartphone. There should be no data on WhatsApp servers. But it also means that WhatsApp will reorder your contacts once the messenger is reinstalled.

WhatsApp's previous updates in November 2018

Updated November 05, 20018

Multiple voice messages use auto play

how Nordbayern As mentioned, WhatsApp has equipped its e-mail service with a new feature: automatic playback of voice messages. If you receive multiple voicemail messages at once, they will play in auto play as soon as you hear the first one. Of course, this simplifies the operation because it is not necessary to click individually on the following voice messages.

The new feature is included in the latest update for iOS and Android and can now be obtained from both App Stores. However, WhatsApp does not mention the feature in his blog so far, so you have to search the feature only through a magnifying glbad. However, as soon as you receive and broadcast several voicemail messages in succession, the new feature will be quickly detected.

WhatsApp updates in October 2018

Update of October 25, 2018

WhatsApp stickers arrive via an update

Anyone wishing to embellish his WhatsApp messages with images had to be satisfied with smileys, GIFs and videos. Now, but finally, the stickers are unlocked, which we already know, for example, the Facebook Messenger. The new WhatsApp update is available for Android and iOS, but is sometimes deployed slowly. Therefore, it may take some time for the stickers to be available to all users.

As written WABetaInfo, there are 12 packs of stickers at the beginning, which initially contain only static stickers. Later, they will be supplemented by animated stickers. If you want to use a sticker, you must click on the emoji symbol in the single or group discussion in the input field. If the update of WhatsApp with the virtual stickers has already arrived at your place, you will find next to the smileys and GIFs the overview of the stickers, which can be organized by category. Click on the plus symbol to add new stickers. The download of the various stickers is free.

The stickers come for WhatsApp
WhatsApp gets the sticker by update.

Update of October 23, 2018

Dark mode for iOS displays screen capture

Already in mid-September, it was announced that WhatsApp for iOS would soon receive a dark fashion. Unfortunately, this is still not included in the current WahtsApp update, but there are now screenshots showing what it should look like. WABetaInfo writes that the dark mode is still in its infancy and that it's not even allowed for the beta test yet. Thus, the final color choice and the dark mode design for iOS could eventually change later. One thing is certain: Messenger users will probably be able to disable the on-demand mode. There will also be a counterpart for Android, but it's not over yet.

A dark mode has a clear advantage because of its dark appearance, especially for OLED displays. In this mode, the power consumption is significantly lower than that of the bright screen. The darker the ad, the less pixels must be lit up. But see for yourself what should be the dark mode on WhatsApp for iOS:

WhatsApp for iOS goes into dark mode
WhatsApp continues to operate in dark mode for iOS application.

Whatsapp Messenger
Whatsapp Messenger

Updated October 22, 2018

Continuous voice messages and new news menu

The iOS app of WhatsApp Messenger features a new update in the Apple App Store. On the one hand, this should make it easier to listen to voice messages, especially if there are more than one. From now on, they will automatically be eliminated consecutively. You no longer have to start each voice message manually.

In addition, there is a new menu for message actions. To mark a message with a star, reply to it, transfer it, copy it or delete it only requires a long press on the corresponding message. Then a pop-up menu appears, in which the mentioned points are listed between them.

Finally, the WhatsApp update for iOS also includes support for the iPhone Xs Max. In the Apple App Store, the changelog is as follows:

  • Continuous voice messages are played one after the other, so you do not have to type each message individually.
  • If you tap a message, you can reply, forward, delete, copy, or highlight it faster with a new pattern.
  • Support for the iPhone XS Max

Update of October 19, 2018

New vacation mode and related accounts

WhatsApp is once again working on new features for its popular messenger. These affect apps for Android and iOS. On the one hand, Facebook and WhatsApp, which already belong together, should be even more closely linked. Correspondingly, the function should link the accounts. how WABetaInfo Although the feature was primarily developed for WhatsApp Business, there is some evidence that it also applies to the normal WhatsApp application. You can find the "Linked Accounts" feature after publishing in the profile settings. At first, WhatsApp can probably only bind to Instagram. We have to wait what benefits this connection accounts the normal user but in detail brings. For the user of applications – Facebook – is then at least easier to exchange data between services.

New mute mode and holiday mode

Advanced mode is already enabled, in which the number of messages received on the application's icon is no longer displayed when the mutes are turned off. In addition, WhatsApp apparently provides for a vacation mode or a vacation mode. It should not be activated individually for each discussion, but access locally. Once activated, archived chats will remain silent until you disable this mode. Even if between messages are sent in the chat.

WhatsApp updates in September 2018

Update of September 17, 2018

The update of WhatsApp is supposed to bring the dark mode

Popular messengers like Threema or Telegram have long since: the mode says dark. The entire interface of an application appears in dark mode in very dark colors, often shades of black or gray. This is especially useful for the eyes during nighttime conversation, as the dark mode does not dazzle as much in low light. Apparently, Facebook, the world's most popular messenger mother company, is also planning to introduce a dark fashion. WABetaInfo, the blog of WhatsApp, always well informed, wants to know. Hints for the new obscure mode of WhatsApp here probably provide the source code of the application, which bloggers have now come up with in a concept image. They show what Dark Fashion looks like in WhatsApp:

WhatsApp update: The obese messenger could finally get the dark mode "width =" 618 "height =" 348 "srcset =" https://handy.de/magazin/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/www .chip_ .de-ii-9-7-2-6-2-2-9-4-75dde42a9f280dfc.jpeg 618w, https://handy.de/magazin/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/www. chip_. 300w "sizes =" (maximum width: 618px) 100vw, 618pxBesides the benefits to the human eye, WhatsApp's dark mode would also constitute an endurance syringe for smartphones with OLED display. Unlike liquid crystal displays, OLED panels do not illuminate black pixels, such as those on iPhone X, iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy Note 9 and others, and therefore consume significantly less energy than illuminated pixels. This could dramatically extend the battery life for frequent users of WhatsApp, since the display in smartphones is always the one that consumes the most power. When the new update WhatsApp with Dark Mode appears, it is not clear yet. Usually, the feature is first thoroughly tested in the beta version of WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is finally working on a dark fashion! It's a dream
There are many important secret references in recent updates!

Be patient to see it, hoping that it will be compatible with OLED FULL for Android phones, iPhone X and newer!

– WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) September 14, 2018

Update of September 10, 2018

Update for iOS with image preview and status search

An update is available for the iOS version of WhatsApp today. It updates the messenger to version number 2.18.90 and essentially brings two new features. This is, on the one hand, an overview of the image and, on the other hand, search in status messages. However, some users still have problems with the image preview, a problem that needs to be addressed quickly.

If the notification extension feature does not work for you, it is a known problem. https://t.co/GlelaClTVx

– WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) September 3, 2018

The latest update is already displayed in the Apple App Store and can be installed on all iPhones running iOS 8.0 or later. Thus, users of the iPhone 4 no longer benefit from the latest version of WhatsApp. Because the smartphone is still running on iOS 7 and no longer receives update.

But otherwise, the new features can sometimes be used only with a higher iOS version. For example, WhatsApp writes that the image preview requires iOS 10. It allows users to preview the GIF or photo received in the message preview by long-pressing the notification. Alternatively, it is also possible to slide to the left and tap on "View". Until now, such a preview was only possible for text messages.

Whatsapp Messenger
Whatsapp Messenger

Search for status and warning of suspicious links

The second innovation of the latest update of WhatsApp for iOS is the ability to search for status messages in the "Status" tab. WhatsApp users can access the corresponding search box by gently dragging the screen contents into the "Status" tab.

Not brand new and unrelated on the App Store is the warning of suspicious links. If you receive a message with a potentially harmful link, WhatsApp notifies you. The warning appears in red directly in the message. In addition, in these cases, a warning sign with the text "suspicious link" can be seen.

WhatsApp updates in August 2018

Update of August 16, 2018

WhatsApp backup without storage loss on Google Drive

A WhatsApp backup using the Google Drive service has up to now taken its own available cloud storage space. WhatsApp and Google have been working together in this area for a long time, although the news service was purchased by Facebook. And now, there is a new agreement between Alphabet and the Facebook affiliate – which benefits users. sure reddit A user indicates that they have received an email from Google. This indicates that its WhatsApp message backup will no longer affect the existing drive storage. This means that a backup is possible even if all the Google Drive memory is busy.

Google Drive: WhatsApp backup does not affect disk space "width =" 919 "height =" 1110 "srcset =" https://handy.com/magazine/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 08 / google-drive-whatsapp. jpg 919w, https://handy.de/magazin/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/google-drive-whatsapp-248x300.jpg 248w, https://handy.de/magazin/wp-content/uploads/ 2018/08 / google-drive-whatsapp-768x928.jpg 768w, https://handy.de/magazin/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/google-drive-whatsapp-848x1024.jpg 848w, https: // handy.de/magazin/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/google-drive-whatsapp-690x833.jpg 690w, https://handy.de/magazin/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/google-drive -whatsapp-180x217.jpg 180w, https://handy.de/magazin/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/google-drive-whatsapp-267x322.jpg 267w, https://handy.de/magazin/wp -content / uploads / 2018/08 / google-drive-whatsapp-368x445.jpg 368w "sizes =" (maximum width: 919px) 100vw, 919pxHowever, backups that have not been updated in a year should be automatically deleted. This new regulation is expected to come into effect on November 12, 2018. Google recommends that you perform a manual backup from here to avoid potential losses.

Update from August 06, 2018

Picture inlay function for Android

WABetaInfo is still an outlook on an update for the WhatsApp messenger. This will soon provide a nice feature for the Android version. This is the picture mode in the picture we already know of the iOS version of WhatsApp. Image mode in the image allows users to watch videos on YouTube, Instagram, etc. in a small separate window while continuing to read and send messages on the WhatsApp interface. If the feature is available, the preview thumbnail displays a play icon. As soon as the user clicks on it, WhatsApp displays the video in image mode in the image so that she can continue browsing the chat while the video is displayed.

When image mode in the image is accurately introduced, we still do not know. It is currently being tested by WhatsApp in Beta 2.18.234. However, according to WABetaInfo, the function needs to be further optimized before it can be enabled for all users.

Read now: WhatsApp updates in July 2018"

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