When the soles of the platform bring a rest room


When the soles of the platforms cause the dislocation of a hall

Musical Theater: First successful ABBA inspired summer musicals "Mamma Mia!"

  The soles of the platforms make way for dismantling

Betty Vermeulen (Tanja), Sabine Mayer (Donna), Barbara Raunegger (Rosie) Stage Entertainment / Morris Matzen Mac

This is where A generation's feelings burst forth as ABBA's songs rush through musical theater, with flared trousers and burning residue soles that buzz in the air and combine a brightly colored plastic design and an unhurried hip-hop lifestyle. Just the highlife of the 70's, in the musical "Mamma Mia!" is honored and celebrated on Fridays at the premiere of Linz Music Theater. Since the movie with Meryl Streep is "Mamma Mia!" a blockbuster that has seen 42 million people worldwide since its premiere in London in 1999. Now Linz Station is, and the story of the abandoned Donna, who stays afloat as the owner of 39, a single-parent family and before the big day of their 20-year-old daughter, found her audience enthusiastic here as a summer musical

However, her daughter Sophie has no desire for her marriage but to find out who is his father. She learns from the diary of the mother of three men, who invites her to a party. Even his mother invites his friends sooner, and already begins a joyous confusion, who now with whom and why. The memories of a time of liberation from social taboos come to mind, in which the excrescences of the economic miracle are denied through the freedom to think, to do and to act and to have fun. annoy parents' generation to the bone

As with all other theatrical performances of this musical, the theater company holds the exclusive rights to the German version. So many things are already known and you can expect an original show that has its qualities. First of all, the four main ladies, all but one from Austria, with one exception. So the Donna of the tour of Lower Austria, Sabine Mayer, who has great moments and impresses as performer and singer. Carinthia Barbara Raunegger is made for the role of Rosie, who enchants her with delight and enriches many little gags. The Tanja of this production originates from Holland with Betty Vermeulen, who knows how to stage them finely. The Viennese Katharina Gorgi, who came to the Sacher with a lot of charm and energy, was the ideal Sophie.

His "three" fathers were with Karim Khawatmi (Sam), Detlef Leistenschneider (Harry) and Jörg Zuch (Bill) well stocked, and also the more or less happy Groom Sky was well struck by Marvin Schütt. Livia Wrede points out, Abla Aloui, Timo Muller and Matthew Bailey in the small parts. In agreement with the group and the group led by Aday Rodriguez Toledo as part of the tour "Mamma Mia!".


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