Why strawberries and tomatoes sometimes pose health risks


The potential for allergy may depend on the type of vegetable or fruit

Tomatoes and strawberries are very popular and among the vegetables and fruits most consumed. However, many people experience allergic reactions when they eat otherwise healthy foods. In particular, people allergic to birch pollen show such reactions. A Munich research team has now discovered varieties of strawberries and tomatoes that contain fewer allergens.

People who are allergic to strawberries and tomatoes may soon be forced to leave. A research team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) recently investigated the allergy potential of strawberries and tomatoes and found that variety and methods of preparation both influence. The research was recently published in the newspapers "Plos one" and "Nutrients".

Strawberries and tomatoes are popular fruits and vegetables, but they also cause allergic reactions in many people. Researchers in Munich have now identified ways to multiply varieties that are also suitable for allergy sufferers. (Photo: alicja neumiler / fotolia.com)

Food allergies continue to increase

According to TUM experts, the incidence of food allergies has steadily increased at in recent decades: about 4% of adults and about 5% of children already affected. Studies focus on tomatoes (botanical: Solanum lycopersicum) and strawberries (botanical: Fragaria x ananbada), which contain allergenic proteins and often trigger allergic reactions

Triggers are similar to those of allergy birch pollen

Protein in tomatoes and strawberries of birch pollen. This similarity can occur due to an allergy to birch pollen and a food allergy. In Italy, up to 16% of the population is affected by an allergy to tomato. According to the researchers, 30% of allergic to birch pollen also suffer from allergic reactions to strawberries.

Immune reactions can express a variety

Allergic reactions to tomatoes and strawberries can occur in a variety of ways. The researchers report that allergy to the skin (itchy rash, nettle rash or dermatitis) can irritate the mucous membranes, cause colds and cause abdominal pain. In food allergy symptoms would often manifest themselves after eating fresh fruits or vegetables, while processed foods often do not trigger any reaction. [1965] 9011 A protein is the main cause

In two studies, the team around the professor. Wilfried Schwab of the Chair of Biotechnology of Natural Products at TUM quantifies the trigger protein in the various varieties of strawberries and tomatoes which is the main cause of allergic reactions (Sola l 4.02 for tomatoes and Fra a 1 for strawberries). 19659007] Finding the best possible variant for people with allergies

In addition to the different varieties, size, shape and color were taken into account. In addition, the experts also examined the possible influence of organic and conventional growing conditions as well as various methods of treatment ranging from sun drying to oven drying and lyophilization. The purpose of the research was to find the best possible variants for allergy sufferers.

Variety and heat make the difference

Eventually, the team studied twenty-three varieties of tomatoes and twenty varieties of strawberries of different sizes and shapes. The results show that the content of the allergen varies considerably depending on the different varieties of strawberries and tomatoes. In addition, the heat factor seems to have an influence. When the fruits were exposed to heat during the drying process, less allergenic proteins were present

The perfect fruit for allergy sufferers soon

However, growth conditions appear to be negligible in the development of allergenic proteins. Based on the results of the research, it should be possible to raise varieties of hypoallergenic tomatoes and strawberries, which can also be consumed by people with allergies, conclude the authors of the report. study. (Vb)

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