Wife falsely declared dead: The queen is seething with rage



  Walking through thick for seven decades: Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.

Walking through thick for seven decades: Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. imago / i Images)

Monday, July 23, 2018

The phenomenon is not new: many times people find it "funny" to falsely declare some celebrities on the internet as dead. Now he meets the queen consort Prince Philip. The monarch is anything but amused.

For over 70 years, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip went through life together. Of course, then, the two British royals can not laugh a lot of a so-called Prince Consort's death message.

On Twitter, Friday night, news circulated that the 97 year old Duke of Edinburgh was dead. Of course, the queen is not at all happy with the hoax.

The Buckingham Palace phone would not have rested that night, a royal insider told the British tabloid The Sun. The royal house was literally bombarded with calls that all wanted to know the authenticity of the message. Finally, the Queen, who was already on a traditional summer vacation at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, had no choice but to pick up the phone herself. [19659909] More on

In a ten-minute phone call, Prince Philip had learned how to deal with the situation, the report continues. "They agreed that there was not much they could do," said the insider, "but they were very, very bored." The queen is particularly sorry to see how fast such a hoax can spread on the Internet. She felt that "shameful."

The Monarchin does not seem to be ruined by the incident during his summer vacation at Balmoral Castle. If his consort health was really bad, they probably would have known him by his side. The 97-year-old is currently at Sandringham House Manor, on the east coast of the United Kingdom. In two weeks he should also go to Scotland and offer the Queen to Balmoral Castle.

Source: n-tv.de

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