Windows 10: Microsoft invites users to the April update


Some Windows 10 users are invited to upgrade to the latest April update. Behind, there is the end of PC support with Creators Update.

Users report in the Microsoft Store an update request for
to see their Windows 10 system. More specifically, Microsoft asks the user
on, the calculator until October 9, 2018 in the current state
to bring. So that would be the 1809 or April version

Most likely, this note will be seen by users who
still on the status of the creators update are on the way. But also
later versions are probably affected, like
reported. Because the support of Microsoft for this is that until today in the fall
provided. Redstone 5 is also expected for this day
next major update of version 1803.

Click on the users
the prompt for the update of Windows 10 they find themselves on this
Microsoft Web page. Microsoft explains what it means
current updates and also new features have the greatest possible
To meet the safety standards.

Who has Windows after
End Support receives no new functionality or update
security updates. Emerging threats in progress are therefore available
Door and gate open to computers or even networks
penetrate and cause damage.

Reading Tip: Enable Windows 10 Ultimate Performance Mode

For the moment in the
Deployed versions 1709 (Case Creators Update) and 1803
(Update April) ends the "life cycle" on April 9
or November 12, 2019. Until then, Microsoft Windows
10 still at the Redstone 5 booth (Fall 2018), 19H1 and
probably bring 19H2. Starting in 2019, Microsoft will use other names for Redstone updates. For more details, read the right link,
separate message.

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