With colds comes the flu – can vaccination help?


Especially in the beginning, you can easily confuse flu with colds. The difference between flu and cold shows the evolution and severity of the disease. Now, it would be good to get vaccinated. The new vaccine should protect better than last year.

To rebadure, there is currently no flu in Switzerland.

Experience shows that in our latitudes, it starts towards the end of the year. It is not known why the number of influenza infections is increasing, especially in winter after the beginning of the year.

However, some hypotheses have been made about this phenomenon: influenza viruses are therefore more stable at low temperatures and in dry air outside of their host structures, such as the respiratory mucosa of humans. The immune system is weaker in winter.

Infected patients should not cough or sneeze to spread their virus. Already in the exhaled air, the pathogens are misplaced. Experts advise keeping a maximum distance of 70 centimeters to protect against infections caused by influenza. When you sneeze, two meters are needed.

The flu begins in southwestern Europe

The epidemic of influenza in Europe often begins first in the southwestern countries, for example in Spain or Portugal. An influenza activity appears then about the European map "Flu News Europe". According to the Robert Koch Institute, the flu epidemic has lasted three to four months in recent years.

The World Health Organization monitors influenza infections worldwide. Each influenza vaccine for the coming season is produced from these observations of the viral strains responsible.

There are different types of vaccines: a triple vaccine and a quadruple vaccine. The triple vaccine contains antigens of three variants of the virus in global circulation, two of which are type A and type B.

The quadri vaccine contains another type B and is more expensive. This drug promises, according to some doctors, better protection against influenza infection.

For the 2018/19 season, the vaccine is composed as follows:

The quadruple vaccine contains:

a virus similar to A / Michigan / 45/2015 (H1N1) pdm09
a virus of type A / Singapore / INFIMH-16-0019 / 2016 (H3N2)
Virus similar to B / Colorado / 06/2017 (lineage B / Victoria / 2/87)
Type B virus / Phuket / 3073/2013 (B / Yamagata line / 16/88)

The triple vaccine contains:

A / Michigan / 45/2015 (H1N1) virus similar to pdm09
A / Singapore / INFIMH-16-0019 / 2016 (H3N2) virus-like
Virus similar to B / Colorado / 06/2017 (lineage B / Victoria / 2/87)

When should you get a flu shot?

The best time to get a flu shot goes from October to November. Even later, a flu shot is always helpful. But the vaccine does not work immediately, but after 10 to 14 days. Above all, people over 60 must be vaccinated, people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma or cardiovascular disease, medical staff and pregnant women.

According to the experts of transparent medicine, this protection is good, but not perfect. A small part of the vaccinated suffer. An influenza vaccine reduces the risk of getting the flu. It protects adults from the flu. On average, 10 people without a vaccine will still have one out of 100 vaccines. In principle, this protects against vaccination and can also prevent a serious outcome. Hundreds of people die of influenza each year, the same is not true. In Austria, about 6,000 people affected by influenza do not survive the flu.

With a flu shot, you can not catch the flu. An influenza vaccine is well tolerated. However, side effects such as redness and pain at the injection site may occur. As the vaccine, like any other vaccine, stimulates the body's own defenses, it can cause mild reactions, but disappear quickly.

Influenza infection is a common cause of hospitalization due to serious illness, especially in children during their first six years of life.
In addition, children are considered important transmitters of influenza. Therefore, vaccination of children can also protect the adults who take care of them. Incidentally, a live influenza vaccine in the form of a nasal spray is available for the vaccination of children aged two to eighteen as an alternative to "tetanus vaccination". Children and adolescents with clinical immunodeficiency or severe asthma or receiving salicylate therapy should not be vaccinated with live influenza vaccine.

The symptoms of the flu

Headaches, back pain, muscle aches and limbs, chills, an itchy cough and a high fever (over 38.5 degrees Celsius) torment with flu or the flu. The whole body reacts to the virus.

Healthy people survive the flu. If the body's own defenses against viruses are clear, the flu ends in about five to seven days. However, flu patients are often exhausted longer and cough. In people with weakened immune systems, complications can occur: pneumonia is a fear and children can develop infections of the middle ear. In people with weakened immune systems, complications can occur: pneumonia is a fear and children can develop infections of the middle ear.

Influenza or influenza infection

In everyday language flu and flu are often equated with flu. However, a distinction is important especially with regard to disease progression and vaccine protection. "Influenza-like infections can be caused by different cold viruses," says Josef Eckmayr, head of the department of respiratory diseases at the Klinikum Wels-Grieskirchen. "Symptoms
usually occur slowly with a scratchy throat, a slightly elevated temperature is possible. Choking is typical of influenza infection. After about a week, the symptoms should be alleviated.

What to do if you are infected

"Influenza and influenza infection during the normal course sit in bed and take a lot of the best medicine," advises Wolfgang Raus, general practitioner in Wels. "In any case, you should give up sport!" You can also use proven home remedies, such as vinegar wrap in children to reduce fever or strengthening and chicken soup with ginger. With the real flu are in high-risk patients or if a heavier
Of course to be feared early on useful antiviral drugs.

"Depending on the symptoms, take pain medication and possibly antipyretics! To clarify the symptoms, consult your family doctor or, if this is not possible, your first contact with the health care service (MAINS) ", explains Raus. Used tissues should be disposed of immediately.

When is a clarification at the hospital necessary?

"In case of severe disease progression or underlying high-risk disease, such as in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, clarification at the hospital is important, and patients over 65, Children and pregnant women should consult a doctor who will refer the patient to the hospital if necessary. "

By the way: antibiotics are only useful in case of bacterial infection. Influenza and most influenza infections are caused by viruses. Here is an absolutely ineffective antibiotic. Sometimes, however, bacterial superinfection occurs during an influenza infection because the weakened body is more susceptible to bacteria.

That's how you can protect yourself

Elisabeth Modler, Head of Hospitality Center Wels-Grieskirchen Hospital
Tips for protecting yourself and others from infection: "You protect yourself by washing your hands with soap regularly and regularly – after work, after school, after shopping, before eating.

In addition, you must exercise in fresh air, sleep well and avoid crowds during the acute flu period.

Source: SN

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