Woman releases an icon image for her depression – so the photo becomes viral


A big pile of washed dishes. What can be seen in the picture that Brittany Ernsperger posted on Facebook does not seem to be anything special. Why does anyone publish something so commonplace as a result of daily household chores? But the message behind this is touching hundreds of thousands of Facebook users. Above the table, the mother of three children writes: "That's what depression looks like!"

The picture shows Brittany as a symbol of her illness: "Three days ago, I was sitting on the kitchen floor, looking at the dirty dishes and crying.I knew I had to wash it.But the depression pulled me into a black hole. "For two weeks, the dishes had been Accumulated, Brittany had spent the pile several times a day. But the depression prevented them from doing their job.

Contribution already shared more than 200,000 times

"Worthless.Lack.Little piece of shit.Incompetent.Stilly.Lazy.All these things pbad through the head of a depressed person all through the day and when there is still fear, the fun really begins.I'm afraid your husband will leave you because he thinks you are lazy.Fear to let people get into your house because that they might think that you are dirty. Feeling guilty because you no longer have dishes to serve dinner to your children, that's why there is a pizza for the third year in a row .

The words of the young mother of three viral girls 206,933 times. More than 180,000 people appreciate Brittany's courage to speak openly about her fight against depression, she does not want to pay attention, the American wants to help her. "If you feel like that, send me a friend request Strive to help yourself and give you the help you need, we can do it together."

In Video : Color Can Point To Illness: What Ticks Talk About Your Health

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