Women in managerial positions: women slowly conquer executive floors



  Still Under-represented: Women in Executive Suite

Still Under-represented: Women in Executive Suite (Photo: Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert / dpa)

Thursday, July 05, 2018 [19659005] The number of women on the upper floors of German listed companies is increasing. A new study spreads a slight optimism. However, development is progressing slowly. Basically, the way for women remains "laborious and stony".

According to a new study by the audit and consulting firm EY, the proportion of women board members in 160 listed companies has increased slightly. in the middle of the year, 7.8% of all executive positions were held by women. At the beginning of the year, the share was still 7.2%. Just one year ago, only 6.9% of the positions were held by women managers.

Nevertheless, the level of management of most companies remains of a male domain. According to reports, 71% of the executive committees are still men. "The way women run businesses remains difficult and stony," said Ija Ramirez, EY partner. Despite voluntary quotas and public debates, little has changed. The heavyweights of the German stock market continue to hold by far the largest share of women on the board, with 13%.

Meanwhile, 21 of the 30 Dax companies have at least one female member of the board of directors. Compared to the beginning of the year, however, the number of senior executives stagnated at 25. The proportion of women on MDax's board of directors rose from 5.0 to 6.9 percent, while that the number of senior executives increased from 10 to 14. In the SDax as counted at the beginning of nine women council members. In the TecDAX, the number of women on the board of directors has increased from five to six.

Source: n-tv.de

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