World AIDS Conference in Amsterdam –


The United Nations goal was ambitious from the start. By 2030, the global AIDS epidemic was to end, according to the United Nations AIDS Program (UNAIDS) in 2014. Meanwhile, disillusionment has come, the fight is facing setbacks. About 18,000 research participants, as patients, politicians and activists, will discuss tomorrow in Amsterdam how the goal can be achieved.

The 22nd World AIDS Conference is holding the world's largest meeting of experts on immunodeficiency. "In neighboring countries and regions of the world, we are seeing the epidemic continue to rise," warned President Linda Gail-Bekker of the International AIDS Society

. Clinton, Elton John and Conchita Wurst were waiting

to friday not only new therapies are being discussed and new science is being presented, such as the development of a vaccine. Another focus is on patients' rights. The focus is on how to provide access to testing and therapies to vulnerable groups around the world.

In Amsterdam, many celebrities will support the fight against AIDS and fight against the stigmatization of infected people. Expectations include former US President Bill Clinton, British Prince Harry, pop legend Sir Elton John and Austrian artist Conchita Wurst.

About 37 million people are infected with the HIV virus, most of whom live in Africa. Every year, nearly one million people die of AIDS. According to UNAIDS, there were 1.8 million new infections in 2017. Thus, the UN's milestone to increase the number of new infections to 500,000 by 2020 seems unattainable .

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