World Cup bet! Beckham to travel with Ibrahimovic to IKEA – 2018 World Cup


Who would have thought Sweden played in the first tournament after the era of star striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic for the World Cup semifinals? The Scandinavians have a solid defense and want to take England on Saturday (16 hours) the fun of football.

The British, however, dream of the second world title. The first date of a long time ago: 1966.

Both can rely on the support of prominent fans. Ibrahimovic is now finishing his career at LA Galaxy in North America. He was not considered for the World Cup because he had already declared his retirement from the national team.

Now he has time for crazy betting with an English soccer icon. David Beckham and "Ibra" fought verbally in the net even before the duel between their two homelands.

They bet.

Ibrahimovic wrote to Beckham: "If England wins, I will invite you to dinner – no matter where in the world you want, but if Sweden wins, will you buy what I want to Ikea, agree? " 196519003] Beckham's answer: "Zlatan, if Sweden wins, I'll personally go to Ikea with you and buy you everything you need for your new mansion in Los Angeles. But if England wins, I you want to go to England Play at Wembley Stadium, wear an English jersey and eat fish and chips at half time. "

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