Xbox One gives itself a big update of July – Games


FastStart for selected titles


When did you start playing the game?

Mutant, Monster, Mech: First Rage 2 video

With FastStart, you'll play twice as fast in the future a. FastStart prioritizes the download of relevant game files and allows the game to be launched even before the title is completely downloaded.

Game and App Grouping Features

Pins are added with a new group feature. Groups are synced through the Xbox Live account, so you can also access them on other consoles.

Advanced Search Functions

The enhanced search function makes it even faster. By pressing the Y button, the Xbox player opens the search function in his dashboard and starts right away.

Improvements to the Mixer Share Controller

The Mixer Share controller will provide future mouse and keyboard support. Also new: Multi-touch support for the simultaneous use of multiple controls. A ranking for viewers with the greatest sharing controller interaction completes the feature

Full-screen broadcast on the mixer

Mixing is now done in full-screen mode. In the new mode, the sound of the game is cut off, ensuring easy interaction with the audience.

Improved stability and transmission quality on mixers

A number of corrections and changes improve performance and transmission quality. Multiplayer titles in particular, which require high bandwidth, benefit from these improvements.

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