Xbox One – New model without a player planned for 2019?


Even before the launch of the next generation of consoles, Microsoft could launch another Xbox One on the market. Insiders talk about a console without an optical drive. Will the low-cost download model already be available in early 2019?

Downloadable games are up, but if many players still prefer to buy their games on disk, Microsoft could launch a new model in early 2019. Xbox one without optical drive. That's what Brad Sams, an industry insider, claims to have learned from internal sources.

Cheap entry-level model without a reader

While PC gamers largely purchase digital games through Steam and Co., console gamers still prefer the clbadic retail model. But with models like that Xbox Game Pbad or PlayStation Now In addition to regular offers in digital stores, game downloads are also on the rise here.

According to Sams, Microsoft plans to move to the next step in early 2019, and then offer an Xbox One console without an optical drive. It should be from a revised version of the Xbox One S, which aims for a low price, especially for newcomers and digital buyers. Currently, less than 100 euros less speech than for the normal Xbox One S due.

For owners of many retail games, Microsoft also plans an action in which games can be submitted to selected Microsoft partners and converted to digital codes. So, you would keep your games purchased.

Xbox 2

Xbox 2
New console in progress, officially announced development

The target group of the new console should be composed in particular of newcomers wishing to immerse themselves in the world of games for consoles at low cost. It would also be conceivable that Microsoft is testing players' interest in the new generation of consoles due to the unmanned Xbox One. It is still unclear whether Xbox Scarlett or Xbox 2 will have an optical drive.

If one badumes that the new console is cheaper, the selling price could rise to just under 100 euros. What do you think of the rumor? A console without optical drive at a cheaper price would it be an alternative for you or do you always prefer games on discs?

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