You can help with these ten tips


Tip # 3: Avoid sunbathing

Many people enjoy having a good tan, especially in the summer. But our skin does not like it at all. Although the sun fills our energy tanks, excessive UV radiation damages the skin. Because skin cells cause damage to genetic material through too much exposure to the sun, this change may be responsible for the development of cancer.

Tip 4: Examination of abnormal skin changes

Therefore, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor if you notice noticeable changes in the areas of the skin. From the age of 35, all insureds are also entitled to a test, which can be repeated for free every two years.

Tip 5: Take the side effects of drugs in the review

Some medications increase the sensitivity of the skin to direct sunlight, causing damage to the skin, our largest organ pbading by. Be sure to read the package leaflet carefully or ask the pharmacy for any possible side effects of the medicine.

Tip 6: Use enough sunscreen

Make sure you have the proper sun protection factor and be generous lotion. As a general rule, the German Cancer Society states that the brighter the skin type, the lower the skin protection time and the higher the sun protection factor. Basically, in adults for the whole body about 30 – 40 milliliters of sunscreen are considered.

Tip 7: Leisure activities in the morning and evening

Especially in summer, you should definitely relocate your sports activities in the morning and evening. Because especially at lunch time, the sun hits very hard on your body. In any case, give the skin enough time to get used to the sun slowly.

Tip 8: Dietary Supplements Are Not for Prevention

Clinical studies have shown that the risk of skin cancer is not reduced by taking supplements. Tip # 9: Conservative Sun Protection

Do not underestimate the sun. Even in cloudy weather or colder temperatures, you should not do without sunscreen. The best protection can be obtained with clothes. Hairstyles and sunglbades are strongly recommended by the German Society Against Cancer to effectively protect the scalp and eyes from UV rays

Tip 10: Take care with children

The skin of infants and all -petits is particularly sensitive. That's why your little ones do not belong to the blazing sun. For example, if this is hard to avoid due to a beach vacation, kids should definitely bathe with skin covering clothing and enough sunscreen, build and play sandcastles.

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