YouTube brings new tools against video hackers


Unauthorized downloads on YouTube must now be made. The video platform brings new tools that automatically reconcile newly defined videos and re-uploads of the display.

Content owners on YouTube can look forward to it. With a new tool, YouTube wants to stop the unauthorized downloading of copyrighted material.

"Copyright Match" is a tool that automatically checks all new uploaded videos. It checks if the content is a legitimate video that already exists on YouTube. Identical videos are displayed in a specially designated section of the tool.

On the YouTube Creators blog, the video platform says that the tool is designed to identify complete reimports. As a result, the technology does not work for individual clips, but only for global videos.

When identifying the owner of the original material, it is also important to know when the video has been uploaded to the platform, because the order of the corresponding videos is based on the download timeline, according to YouTube.

Difference from Content ID Program

Copyright Match is therefore different from the existing Content ID program, where copyright holders and music videos in particular can protect their content from unauthorized downloads . What happens in the case of matches, the creators can decide for themselves: It's up to the right owners, whether the content should be deleted or not.

First, chain owners with over 100,000 subscribers will appreciate the new tool. YouTube also wants to review the use of the comparison tool before it develops in the coming months. Ultimately, however, Copyright Match will be made available to all participants in the YouTube Partner Program.

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