YouTube for mobile devices: application in incognito mode


If you use YouTube via smartphone or tablet, you probably access the corresponding YouTube application. Until now, new videos based on the videos you've already seen were automatically available here. With a new incognito mode this should be avoided in the future. However then also other functions related to the account fall.

You are using YouTube on your PC via your browser. If you do not want YouTube to create a user profile, just watch videos without an account and remove the browser cache regularly. On the smartphone, watching videos via the YouTube app is much more enjoyable, but this automatically generates data on the user's behavior. Like our colleagues PC Games Hardware report, the YouTube app will soon receive an incognito mode. This mode is used to no longer create a profile. Although you can previously set that the videos displayed are not saved in a history – until now, YouTube has always based on the videos previously seen by you created a profile and suggested videos that might also interest you based on automatic badysis [19659004DanscertainscastantquevousêtesinformésurcertainssujetsplussérieuxviaYouTubecelapeutconduireàunebulledefiltragedanslaquellevousobtenezseulementlesvidéossuggéréesquisoutiennentvotrepropreopinionCeciestévitéparlafonctionincognitoCependantvousnepouvezpasutiliserdefonctionsbaséessurlecomptedanscemode:distribuerJ'aimeutiliserlesabonnementsouposterdescommentairesn'estpaspossiblemêmelesvidéospouradultesnesontpasdisponiblesaveclemodeLapossibilitédedéfinirtouteslesoptionsindividuellementcommevoussouhaitezlesavoir(parexempleoptionactivéeetcommeoptionsuggestionsvidéodésactivéesetdonnéeshistoriques)ilapparaîtramalheureusementnepasdonner

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