Youtube star, 21, dies after lung surgery – but her legacy persists


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  • close [19659011] A world collapses for his family and his fans: young Youtuber receives a lung transplant. But it is unforeseen complications.

    She was young, beautiful and even had her own foundation: Claire Wineland was more than a Youtube star for her fans and friends, about beauty videos, stars or guys. turned. In her films, she tackles a much more serious subject: the rare hereditary disease, cystic fibrosis.

    Rare hereditary disease Cystic fibrosis: when the lungs fail

    The 21-year-old woman suffered from in which the transport of salt and water cells is disrupted. As a result, some body secretions are more viscous than others, which has particularly serious consequences on the lungs.

    It is here that mucus accumulates more easily and that the ventilation of the organ no longer works properly. Sufferers are therefore more likely to suffer from chronic cough, pneumonia and respiratory infections . So much Wineland.

    Also tragic : A woman never touched a cigarette – and yet she has the lungs of a 60-year-old chain smoker.

    Despite successful surgery: Youtuberin dies of a stroke

    She should receive a new lung and was operated on at the end of August. The procedure was a success – but shortly thereafter, the young woman suffered a shot of due to a blood clot that had formed in her brain.

    The circles of his loved ones died at the hospital, says Laura McHolm, president of the Claire Claire's Place Foundation. Wineland's parents have now revealed to the American television channel CNN that they wish to donate their daughter's organs.

    Read also : When this eight-year-old boy stops breathing, he dies.


    The rarest diseases in the world

    Image from the column list: © Facebook / Claire Foundation & # 39; s Place, Inc.

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