Zadie Smith received the State Prize for European Literature "


British author Zadie Smith was awarded the Austrian State Prize for European Literature in 2018 on Friday in the city of Salzburg. Minister of Culture Gernot Blümel and Governor Wilfried Haslauer presented the 42-year-old writer with the prize of 25,000 euros at a solitary ceremony at the Mozarteum University of Salzburg [19659002] 18.50, July 27, 2018

© APA (Federal Chancellery / Wenzel)

This award rewards each year the literary work of 39, a European author who has received special international attention. The ceremony is traditionally held on the day of the official opening of the Salzburg Festival. "Smith has the heart of a great narrator," noted juror Norbert Mayer today in his eulogy. And Blümel said, "Smith's works make a significant contribution to a sense of European identity."

The jury justified their decision for the British author by stating that Smith "showing teeth" (2000) debut "" What is the importance of ethnicity and color of Skin in 21st Century Europe? "How do you manage to leave his own environment, and is this even a worthwhile goal of where do we come from and where does that determine it? it's our plan of life? "

In his acceptance speech at the Mozarteum, Smith said," My letter describes the living. "He was small, full of anecdotes and bbadities, living in the realm of the social, "this world impure and imperfect" and hoping to bring people back from a system of absolute images. "Not" Muslims ", but Alsana out of" Teeth ", not Howard, but Howard from "Beauty" returned Smith to his characters in the novel.

"When I write, I want to have access releases the tacit feelings that surround the Other and myself from their clutches because the real existential threat is, in my opinion, the internalization unspoken. "The most powerful weapon of fascism is that it invokes feelings and argues," Everybody feels it, but only we dare to say it out loud, "says L & # 39; Author, "but what is daring is only a very original cry: the blood, the soil, the house."

Smith She warned against xenophobia and sentimental nationalism and advocated for human integration "in our social realities." How New York's parallel societies work, where ethnically and culturally independent Coexistence is an example of social agreement that "does not remain naturally without anger and without problems". Nevertheless, this is a real example of the unique flexibility of democracies, "for how they can unite – even if imperfectly – many facets."

Born as a daughter of an English father and a Jamaican mother in London in 1975 Smith studied English in Cambridge and quickly gained international fame with her first novel "Show Teeth" , which describes a contemporary and multicultural London through the eyes of three ethnically diverse families – the novel has been translated into more than 20 languages ​​and adapted to television. His follow-up novels were also celebrated, including "Von der Schönheit" (2005) and "London NW" (2012), which takes place in the London neighborhood where Smith himself grew up. Today, she is a professor at the University of New York in London and at the Big Apple. She has already received numerous awards for her books and has published collections of dissertations in addition to fiction.

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