"ZDF TV Garden": "RTL level on ZDF!" Spectators rage against Mallorca


Adapted to the high temperatures in Germany, the " ZDF TV Garden " was invited Sunday at the Majorca Festival. The presenter Andrea Kiewel and her guests wanted to offer the best entertainment. But with some viewers, the show caused more discomfort. If you've always wanted to know what's going on with the broadcast feature, Twitter has the answer.

"The embarrbadment of German television reaches new heights": "Fernsehgarten" disappoints viewers

could be followed on Twitter. During the show, the hashtag # #Fernsehgarten was a trend. Under this slogan, anger has spread on the "ZDF television garden". Especially the music, some games and guests drew the lack of understanding. "I laughed about a kiwi joke – the weather is not good for me …", wrote a spectator. But that's not all. Two teams must face each other in a game and spill bottles with tights and weight on their heads. "The embarrbadment on German television reaches a new level," wrote a Twitter user to

The embarrbadment of German television reaches a new level. #Fernsehgarten pic.twitter.com/ddY7xSufaB

– Summer-BistDuHappyBinIchAuchHappy (@BistDuHappy) 29. July 2018

"ZDF-Fernsehgarten" takes care of the hate on Twitter [19659003] The outfits of some of the candidates have also been criticized. So, two men wore colorful costumes with popsicle patterns during a quiz. "Did all these outfits use the" Magnum "series costume collection?" Asked a Twitter user. Jurgen's shirt is mega, I would wear it too, "attends a spectator Jürgen Milski who also drew attention with his Hawaiian shirt with hibiscus flowers.

Germany 2018 (Symbolfoto) #Fernsehgarten pic.twitter.com/wrqZvbDVoU

– Florian. (@DerBettChiller) 29. July 2018

RTL level and compensation for the audience

Most importantly with Ballermann's music, enthusiasm was scarce. "Now we finally know how Niki Lauda actually lost half of his ear, he heard this piece of music," writes a spectator to the song "Mama Laudaaa "From Almklausi and Specktakel." According to Twitter users for RTL Nivea in the "ZDF TV Garden", car dealerships Jörg and Dragan have caused. "Help @zdf! My TV is broken, because suddenly comes only the program RTL / Mallorca, "complains one on Twitter." There are my TV fees, go for it … Really now, erase it once, then get out! is better than that, "writes another.

Just discover: The @ZDF offers a live audio description for the #Fernsehgarten . pic.twitter.com / R2FAep0HTh

– The Vent (@ DerSchlot) 29. July 2018

The Conclusion of a spectator : "Does the audience really have to pay for this shit, or does the ZDF pay the spectators money?

Anyone who missed the "ZDF television garden", but wants to know if the Mallorca edition was really so ugly, can look at the whole program in the rehearsal. Follow News.de already in Facebook Google+ and Twitter ? Here you will find hot news, big competitions and the direct line to publishers.

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