Authorities arrest a man accused of planning a terrorist attack involving many victims in California


The Justice Ministry announced Monday the arrest of a former US Army infantryman, accused of planning a "deadly" terrorist attack at a police station. White nationalist gathering in Long Beach, California this weekend.

Officers arrested the suspect, Mark Steven Domingo, of Reseda, CA, on Friday night, after a secret FBI source sent him what he thought was a real bomb that he could use. to carry out his attack.

"This investigation was successful in disrupting a very real threat posed by a trained combat soldier who has repeatedly said he wants to kill as many people as possible," California Central District Attorney Nick Hanna said in a statement.

A 30-page affidavit filed with the criminal complaint against Domingo states that his intention to build a bomb dates from early March.

According to the affidavit, Domingo "expressed his support for violent jihad", and he expressed his intention to target Jews, churches and police in revenge for attacks against Muslims. Domingo specifically cited the March attack against Muslim worshipers in New Zealand, posting online, "There must be retaliation".

As a result of these publications, a "confidential human source" within the FBI contacted Domingo online and met him later in person, where he then explained in detail his planning for potential attacks. He asked the FBI agent "to find a person to make a bomb that he said could cause 50 victims," ​​according to the complaint.

When he was found guilty of providing and attempting to provide material support to terrorists, the Justice Department said he could be sentenced to a maximum of 15 years' imprisonment. imprisonment in a federal prison.

Mike Levine and Alex Stone of ABC News contributed to this report.


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