Authorities looking for a sniper injured by a Los Angeles area deputy were shot dead in front of a sheriff's post


A Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy was shot dead Wednesday in front of a sheriff's department post by a person in a nearby building housing people treated for mental illness, authorities said.

The authorities were looking for a possible suspect a few hours after Angel Reinosa, a 21-year-old MP and intern at the Department for about a year, was injured in the shoulder.

Mayor R. Rex Parris stated that the MP was wearing a bulletproof vest that allowed him to bypass the ball.

He was heading to his car in front of Lancaster station just before 3 pm when he was hit by a shot, sheriff's captain Todd Weber said. The deputies evacuated it internally for treatment.

Reinosa was taken to hospital with a life-threatening wound.

Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris said the MP's waistcoat may have been saved by throwing the ball back into the shoulder.

Investigators believe the blows come from Mental Health America, a four-story building that provides mental health services and housing near the sheriff's station.

Parris has expressed concern that the mental health population is close to the sheriff's post.

"It makes no sense to allow such an installation to exist here," he said. "Who decided to build a four-storey building overlooking a parking lot of this type – that's beyond my comprehension," Parris said.

Heavily-armed MPs wearing tactical gear defined a perimeter and launched a massive search for a suspect at three-digit temperatures.

It is not clear if the shooter was alone what kind of weapon had been used. Weber could not say how many shots had been fired or whether the deputies had fired back.


The incident occurred a few days after an officer from the California Highway Patrol was shot and killed during a shootout at Riverside, a town located 90 km east of Los Angeles.

Constable André Moye, 34, was filling papers to seize a vehicle when Aaron Luther, 49, shot him with a rifle. Luther then died during a shootout with the forces of order.


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