Authors say Trump Era drove Zuckerberg, Sandberg Apart


– In 13 years, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg have built one of the most powerful companies in the world, but their close working relationship has not survived Donald Trump’s presidency , according to a New York Times report adapted from forthcoming book An Ugly Truth: In the Battle for Facebook Dominance. Authors Sheera Frenkel and Cecilia Kang say Facebook’s business more than doubled during the Trump years, but a rift between Zuckerberg and Sandberg has widened due to misinformation from Trump and his allies and fallout from Russian electoral interference. They say Zuckerberg was much more willing to welcome Trump than Sandberg – who is 15 years older than Zuckerberg and has long-standing ties to the Democratic Party – and over time he took over areas she already had. treated and made decisions she lobbied against.

One of the many points of disagreement was a viral 2019 video edited to make Nancy Pelosi look like she was hammering her words. It has spread widely among private and highly partisan political groups on Facebook, and while Sandberg said there was a good argument for pulling it, Zuckerberg made the final decision to leave it in place. Months later, he gave a speech defending Facebook’s decision not to censor disinformation. Frenkel and Kang’s sources say Sandberg has spoken to furious colleagues about her “direct contradiction to the core values ​​she has promoted in public,” but she told them there was little she could do. The sources say that over the Trump years, Facebook’s upper echelons have come to view the company as “no longer run by a # 1 and a # 2, but a # 1 and more.” Zuckerberg and Sandberg still meet twice a week, and a company spokesperson said reports of “fault lines” between them were false. (Read more Facebook stories.)


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