‘Avatar’ hailed by ‘Avengers Endgame’ directors Joe and Anthony Russo – Deadline


Joe and Anthony Russo, directors of Avengers Endgame, graciously greeted the film by James Cameron Avatar to surpass them in the all-time global box office totals.

With its re-release in China this weekend, Cameron’s 2009 sci-fi photo has overtaken the Russos and Marvel. Avengers: Endgame, which had previously exceeded Avatar as world box office record holder in July 2019. Until Saturday, AvatarThe global box office is now estimated at $ 2.8 billion against End of Gameis $ 2,797 billion.

The Russos and their AGBO braintrust of Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have teamed up with fan artist Bosslogic to create a stunning new piece of art that celebrates the Avatar triumph. They sent it with a message: “I send the glove back to you… @JamesCameron. Thanks for the beautiful art @Bosslogic. “

The Russos have something to celebrate. cherry, the Tom Holland-star who is the first directing project at AGBO for the Russo Brothers, opened this weekend.


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