Avengers: According to Joe Russo, director of Endgame, Spider-Man's withdrawal from Marvel Cinematic Universe is a "tragic mistake"


Avengers: End of the game Director Joe Russo said that removing Spider-Man from the Marvel film universe was a "tragic mistake".

Russo's comments follow the failure of the agreement between Disney and Sony on the financing of the franchise, which led to the removal of Tom Holland's superhero from the MCU.

"It was a fragile and frail union throughout the process," he told the Toronto Sun, describing the agreement between Disney and Sony.

"But I will say, taking a step back and trying to be as objective as possible, that I think it's a tragic mistake on the part of Sony to think that they can reproduce [Marvel Studios boss] Kevin [Feige]Penchant for telling incredible stories and the incredible success he has known over the years.

"I think it's a big mistake."

The Russo brothers presented the latest version of Spider-Man in their 2016 film Captain America: Civil War.

"We had a wonderful experience with that and I think the public really enjoyed this wedding," said Anthony Russo.

"But we know how difficult this wedding was to be, so the fact that the marriage collapsed is not really surprising to me and Joe."

Disney and Sony were unable to reach a financial deal in August after Disney demanded that any future movie starring Spider-Man be a "50/50 co-financing agreement," which Sony refused.

Earlier this month, Sony's boss, Toy Vinciquerra, said the "door is closed" on Spider-Man coming back to the MCU.


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