Avengers are heading to space in the latest trailer of "Avengers: Endgame"


We return to the exploration of the universe for the devastated Avengers, who seem to be heading directly to their enemy Thanos after destroying several of their allies in a previous movie. The challenge is nothing less than the destiny of the universe while the remaining superhero team faces this supervillain.

The new (and final) trailer of "Avengers: Endgame" shows the remaining members of the alliance zooming in on the previous planets in their spaceship, the Benatar, after a debate on the next step. "We must try, to all who are not in this room," Black Widow / Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) said shortly before the crew boarded the spacecraft.

The one-minute trailer ends when Tony Stark / Iron Man (portrayed by Robert Downey Jr.) roams a landscape in ruins with some of his friends by his side; you can only see the legs of these people, but we assume that the one with the shield belongs to Captain America (Chris Evans) and those in leggings are those of Black Widow.

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Thanos (Josh Brolin) is right in front of them, looking mean and satisfied with himself. And why not? In late 2018, "Avengers: Infinity War", Thanos activated a weapon known as Infinity Gauntlet and destroyed half of life in the universe, including a number of Avengers.

This trailer gives the observers a lot to take, but we still have a few weeks to analyze everything before the release of April 26th. And some of the indications in the universe of Avengers give us hope.

The Avengers are in space in the third and final trailer of "Avengers: Endgame".

(Image: © Marvel Studios)

The first trailer released for "Endgame" showed Stark stranded in a spaceship, lack of oxygen and hope; the scene was so pitiful that the real life of NASA tweeted suggestions to help. Fortunately, the second trailer (which dropped in early March) seems to show Stark back on Earth and ready to help his friends. Let's hope that they translate Thanos to justice and save the universe.

While waiting for "Endgame" to open in theaters, Marvel fans will still be able to watch (or review) "Captain Marvel", which opened on March 8 in the United States. This week, many media reports announced that the film had exceeded one billion dollars worldwide. recipes at the box office, with the film still less than a month old.

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