Avengers: deleted scenes and the final fight "even longer" exist according to the authors of the film


It's time to get excited about an Avengers Cup: Endgame Russo. Of course, there is never a chance to see the light of day – and the three hours of huge gameplay were reduced to nothing – but there are still scenes of Avengers: Endgame removed that were filmed but, for a reason or another, never done in the final cut. Take the final battle of Endgame, for example, which has more than a few extra minutes for a good measure.

"We wrote and engaged an even longer battle with his own three-act structure," candidly reveal Endgame authors Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, in an interview with the NY Times.

The final battle between Thanos and the Earth's most powerful heroes (and just about every other MCU character you can think of) also took a break in the middle of an earlier version of the script, but there was reasons why the 45-minute endgame falls did not go well into the hour and beyond.

"It did not play well," admits McFeely. "We had a scene in a trench where, for reasons, the battle stopped for about three minutes and where there are now 18 people who are all going" What's up? we will do? "I'm going to do that." I'm going to do that. "

In addition to one of the few confirmed scenes of Avengers: Endgame, ending the action, interrupting the action, as Markus points out, "Demands that they find enough shelter to hold a conversation in the middle of the bigger battle. " yes, not ideal.

Although we have a third act of epic proportions, we can only wonder if the initial (extended) final battle is taking place somewhere in a Marvel safe, waiting to be published on Blu-ray. There may be extra moments of fan service, fights and punches that will never be seen, which looks like a missed opportunity.

For many, three hours was enough – the rest of us should ask one thing: #ReleaseTheRussoCut


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