Avengers: End-of-match credits: No scene, but there is something at the end


Marvel's latest film is now in the movie theaters, and it's an important release. Avengers: Endgame has broken all box office records, but it's also the Marvel Cinematic Universe's 22nd film, which aims to get everything in the MCU to date. But Endgame differs from previous films not only in its long duration of three hours, but also in its credits. Each MCU film, which dates back to Iron Man inclusively, had a sequence of average and / or post-credit credits. It's become a tradition for moviegoers. With Endgame, however, there is no scene attached to the end of the credits, but a brief audio stinger awaits you.

Do not worry, there are no endgame spoilers here, but there is a description for the audio stinger below. To learn more about the movie, check out our review Avengers: Endgame or the compilation of Easter eggs.

Avengers: Endgame marks the 22nd film of the MCU and the first time in the universe of the film shared that no visual sequence was fixed at the end, to tease the rest of things for Marvel (or to make some sort of joke). However, there are two things that disc enthusiasts may want to see – or hear – for themselves. More importantly, there is an audio stinger at the end of the credits, when the Marvel logo appears. The sound that hits the metal is subject to interpretation, but it has been suggested that it sounds like Tony Stark forging his first Iron Man armor.

As soon as the credits begin to roll, you have the choice. You can leave the theater or stay in the credits to hear a sound that could have any meaning for phase 4. Another thing to note is earlier in the credits, because each of the original Avengers receives a brief moment under the projectors. where their signature is drawn on the screen. It's a good time, but again, it's not the kind of sequence of credits that we usually see from Marvel.

The final phase is indeed the end of phase 3 of the MCU and, as we learned last month, these films will be known as The Infinity Saga. Infinity War is over with Nick Fury of Samuel L. Jackson, contacting Captain Marvel on a pager, Ant-Man and the Wasp on the left, Scott Lang of Paul Rudd, trapped in the Quantum Kingdom with his friends. Captain Marvel showed us Carol Danvers of Brie Larson answering the call of the pager in the present, meeting the Avengers. In addition, there were some funny moments after the credit.

Some of these sequences give the audience a clue as to what happens next. But with Endgame as the end of the 22-film journey, there's nothing left to tease before the start of Phase 4 – although Marvel's director, Kevin Feige, said that Spider-Man: Away from home, not Endgame, is technically the end of phase 3. So maybe some clues about what will happen will be delivered there, once the movie came out in July. Everything that happens in Endgame, and when Far From Home is set, we know that the film will feature both Nick Parker and Peter Parker from Tom Holland, as well as various characters back home.

In our review of Endgame, Mike Rougeau of GameSpot wrote: "Endgame is really a love letter addressed to the entire MCU – it's all – it's complicated and confusing, and there will be a lot of talk about whether the ending makes sense … it breaks the rules set throughout the film that preceded the film, but damn it's an emotional journey. Let's spend the next few weeks picking it up and dismounting it until we've finished -analyzed every imaginable aspect.But now, following Avengers Endgame feels like a victory. "

If you can not wait for the final credits to use the facilities, check our guide to know when to go pee. It's a spoiler-safe, giving vague hints to what events to watch when you go out to relieve yourself. After a little over three hours and the stakes being so important, no one will blame you if you need a quick visit to the restroom.


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