Avengers: Endgame, Iron Man and more: the 22 Marvel films, ranked


Now that Avengers: End of the game arrived, it's still time to answer this eternal question: which film Marvel Studios is the best?

There are now 22 films on the studio list, which dates back to 2008 Iron Manand Vox has rated them all from worst to best. To arrive at this completely scientific and definitive assessment, four authors of the Vox culture gave each film a numerical value ranging from 1 to 22, with 22 being the best. Then we compiled the results for each film; the film with the highest total won first place, the second highest total came in second place, and so on.

To be clear, Marvel films have a high floor and a nice standard ceiling; even the most median entries are good superhero movies. But the number of Marvel films that will captivate you is much less.

If you disagree, you obviously have a definition of the word "definitive" different from theirs. But it is okay. We can all share this planet together.

Here are all Marvel movies, rated from worst to best:

22) The incredible Hulk (2008)

Prior to The incredible HulkI was not sure that the feasibility of making a boring film about a giant green radioactive superhero infused with gamma-green is possible. But then, I watched this film, which spends a lot of time watching Edward Norton watching his pre-FitBit to make sure his heart rate does not increase (otherwise Hulk will come out). Mark Ruffalo replaced Norton as a Hulk before the month of 2012. The Avengersand more solo movies on Hulk have never been shot; that's all you need to know about The incredible Hulk. -Alex Abad-Santos

21) Thor: The World of Darkness (2013)

If Thor's first film is a tepid story, this sequel is a messy comeback at Asgard who almost asked Marvel to curtail Thor's films (which was the case for four years). When The dark world went out of, The Avengers had recently established that the god of lightning and his brother (and the fave of Tumblr) Loki could be very amusing. But The dark world is tainted with crazy bloating, bad action movies and a story without history that has done everything to suggest the opposite. It's not called The dark world for nothing. (Fortunately, Thor has a lot to do in upcoming Avengers movies – and The dark worldThe much improved monitoring of 2017, Thor: Ragnarok.) -Allegra Frank

20) The Iron Man 2 (2010)

When The Iron Man 2 released in 2010, Marvel still did not know how to make his staging films for the Avengers, and watching the movie today is a reminder of the obvious phase of Marvel's rise. Robert Downey Jr. is fun to watch as Iron Man, but the film is a mess, trying to do too many things at once.

But this is also the first time we see Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, with Sam Rockwell and Mickey Rourke. So for my money, not a total wash. -Alissa Wilkinson

19) Strange doctor (2016)

The best thing about Strange doctor in fact, it has nothing to do with the character of the title. Its main assets are rather: 1) the charismatic performance and breeze of Tilda Swinton as old (though it is important to note that the ethnic background of the character and the casting of Swinton have been criticized for their racist character), and 2) the incredible visual effects of the film, including buildings in the city bending, tilting and turning on each other. The opening sequence of seven minutes, featuring Swinton and These visual effects are one of the most beautiful sequences that Marvel has ever created. -AAS

18) Thor (2011)

I like Thor I do not like Thor. The film is a dull introduction to Asgard's best hero, who is dealing with a strange mix of dramatic theatrical impulses by director Kenneth Branagh and the necessary activity of the flashy superhero. And to be as fun as Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston have to watch it – that's one of the reasons these two actors and characters burst so big! – the decision to take us from heaven and earth makes us Thor the opposite of fun. It is an almost unrecognizable portrait of one of the best characters in the Marvel film universe and it is best to leave it in the past. -A F

17) The ant man (2015)

I know The ant man will never be one of the most beloved films of MCU, and that's good; if you are more invested in the Avengers' global arc, the The ant man the movies feel a little light, diversions of the main attraction.

But as I personally want MCU, it's mostly fun to watch, I'll continue to discuss The ant manThe favor. The film gave us Paul Rudd himself very small and then VERY HUGE, which is, I think, intrinsically funny. And the film benefits from the offbeat and crazy sensibility of director Peyton Reed; for me, "the director of Bring it on makes a movie MCU "is a proposition can not lose.Take your tragic bows and your big battle scenes, give me my ant man. -AW

16) Captain America: the first avenger (2011)

The charismatic charms of the first Captain America the movies are lost to more mundane types, who usually have trouble seeing the lure of a film that essentially becomes a USO performance of World War II during much of his second act. And to be fair, the third act of the film is a bit of a disaster, especially because it disappoints as a result of a much better action sequence around the central point of the film.

But if Iron Man MCU as a place where a cynical wink could win the day, First Avenger is his very sincere and necessary counterweight. All this project would not work without Chris Evans as Steve Rogers – and it would not work without this little movie dog. –Todd VanDerWerff

15) Ant-Man and the wasp (2018)

As I said above, I'm a singing fan of both The ant man the films, which are deliciously strange and funny. I give Ant-Man and the wasp a slight advantage, for several reasons: first, it even has more quantum physics than the first movie, and I tend to prefer MCU inputs that go more in a science fiction direction (rather than fantasy or war movie or historical epic) it does not matter). Second, I think Paul Rudd is the best.

But third – and most importantly – I love his Michael Peña scene, which is perhaps the greatest pure comedy moment of the entire MCU. -AW

14) Avengers: war in the infinite (2018)

Avengers: war in the infinite is essentially the first half of a two-part document – or perhaps the first of two "volumes" – which is also his problem: he has to train everyone from the MCU into a story, which means that there are a lot of place jumps to place, and it also has all the Thanos thing to put up.

His end, however, is truly moving. I've been thinking a lot about the footage since I saw it for the first time, which is more than I can say for many other MCU films. And in retrospect, he sets the table for End of Game very well, without also insisting that End of Game look and feel like Infinity War: Part 2. It's a complete film in itself and a two-part film debut, and I admire it for that. -AW

13) Captain Marvel (2018)

Few films in the MCU aroused as much debate as Brie Larson's first appearance as Carol Danvers. Critics of the film rightly point out that making Carol an amnesiac for her first half undermines Larson's charms from her usual on-screen presence, as the movie's attitude to "feminism" is ultra-generic , and that she even takes that of the 90s all the more.

But if you can overcome these (real) problems at the surface level, you will be faced with a great cosmic adventure that largely stops being a Marvel movie and instead becomes a wonderfully thought-out treatise on what flying means of your memories. you, at least for a while there. Captain Marvel is Marvel's closest brand for making a straight-up independent film, while positioning this independent film to bring in $ 1 billion worldwide. –TV

12) Avengers: the era of Ultron (2015)

Here is my secret, readers. J & # 39; Love Avengers: the era of Ultron!

Of all the Marvel films that attempt to meet the needs of each film and those of the larger film universe, Age of Ultron is the one that is most divided in two. The director Joss Whedon clearly wanted to tell a story about the limits of humanity, our dark future possible and why we still deserve to fight as a species. Marvel Studios obviously wanted a film that predicts everything in the years to come, in the approach of the final confrontation with Thanos.

The result is quite clumsy in places. But when the movie is quiet and let its characters out, it's great. And his best scene, with two robots debating the future of humanity, is one of the few times a Marvel movie really feels sure something other than iconography. –TV

11) Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Captain America: Civil War introduced Tom Holland's Black Panther and Spider-Man into the MCU, added a little more depth to Scarlet Witch and opened the seismic gap between Iron Man and Captain America. The film plays on the idea of ​​holding our heroes responsible for the damage they cause and shows how difficult it is to face an enemy who is neither a Chitauri, nor a crazy Titan, but a friend. Not everything is credible – Tony Stark is inimitable in this film, and there's a battle sequence where Scarlet Witch could have eliminated a whole team – but there's a lot of fun watching the most powerful heroes on Earth to head towards head. -AAS

ten) Iron Man 3 (2013)

Polarized critical reception at Iron Man 3 – for me, one of the three best films of the MCU – always intrigued me, until I realized that it was not really a Marvel movie; it's a Shane Black movie. If you're already a fan of the screenwriter-director, known for his pleasant dialogue and sinuous intrigues, then Iron Man 3 is a fascinating look at a filmmaker with a distinctive voice trying to print his mark on the MCU. If you are only here for the MCU itself, the complicated plot must seem a little exhausting.

That said, I think Iron Man 3 contains charming buckets, even for viewers who are not very interested in Black. Robert Downey Jr. is the most committed as Tony Stark, and the scenes where he walks in a small American town, talking with a little boy, trying to recover his mojo, are among the more purely winners of Marvel. –TV

9) The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

Although I share my controversial views on Marvel, I can also say that I think The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is definitely better than Guardians of the galaxy Vol 1. Or Flight. 1The weak plot of villains and moguls finally undermines an elegant and fun space adventure, Flight. 2 is one of the most thematically coherent films in the entire MCU.

Screenwriter-director James Gunn, having established his characters as a family found in the first film, now explores the boundaries of the families in which they were born (or, in the case of a few characters, the biological families that they have never known). It's a dark film about what it means to grow up in an abusive house and how difficult it is to escape the influence of your parents. It's not everyone's cup of tea – especially when it's added to Gunn's sarcastic humor – but damn it's mine. –TV

8) Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

I find all individual Avengers interesting in their own way, but looking Avengers: Endgame, I realized that the only one that really interested me was Spidey, at least as Tom Holland did. Something about this wide-eyed, wide-eyed child who only wants to help save the world is a lot to me.

And what I liked in his first full movie was that it does not look like another superhero movie; it looked like a movie about adolescence, high school, where we were trying to understand things, to learn to be a good person. Yes, that's what Spider-Man stories have always been, but Tom Holland's performance in Back home feels so convincing, slowly young. I love this movie. -AW

7) Iron Man (2008)

It's amazing that Iron Man works as well as that. Just by looking at it, you may find that Robert Downey Jr. has improvised large parts of his dialogue. The story tells the story of a rogue who develops a bare heart, a model that Marvel would beat in the ground in the years to come but that was not yet established in 2008. And Although Jeff Bridges is fun as a villain, Obadiah Stane, he's one of the earliest examples of what would become a constant problem of villainy for Marvel, not to mention his third-act problem. The final confrontation here is a kind of sleep.

But Iron Man do not really talk about superheroes. It's the story of a man who thinks he needs himself and realizes he may need other people – and people. When it came out in 2008, it was a superhero idea radically different from the other superhero movies of the time. It was also a welcome party for Downey, long one of Hollywood's most electric actors, but whose talents were nearly destroyed by addiction. . Iron Man should not work, but its unattractive appearance is part of its charm. –TV

6) Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

I think about Thor: Ragnarok less like another Asgardian entry in the genre of superheroes and more like a comedy for ensemble. The film boasts of an unbridled Hulk (a game of Mark Ruffalo), which looks ridiculous in alien gladiatorial armor; The Valkyrie of Tessa Thompson, who does not suffer from any fool and does not care about men, which is a relatable content for many; Tom Hiddleston and Jeff Goldblum as a pair of appropriately ridiculous villains; and Chris Hemsworth at his best hilarious. (It's not for nothing, Hemsworth also fits perfectly with his hair cut in section.) And I did not even mention the real asset in the hole, Thor: RagnarokThe real business card: Kronan's monster, Korg, presented by director Taika Waititi as the most affable and sweetest New Zealand on this side of the universe.

The film does not sacrifice the sumptuous action in the face of all the great moments of character born of its magnificent cast, of course; It's always a fun time to see Thor, without hammer, facing impossible enemies (and Hulk!). And it's a great showcase for Marvel's smart, albeit slow, reader, who understands what works best for the market. Thor series: humor, not just a lot of Nordic mythology. -A F

5) The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 (2014)

It took me a long, long time to get on board with all the MCU stuff. In the early years, I saw a transparent marketing ploy. I happily resisted, boasting of my refusal to participate. But then The Avengers It happened in 2012 and I realized that there might be something more in these superhero movies about which everyone was spending their money; maybe they were really … not … useless?

I had at least half reason. Marvel films can indeed be very ridiculous. But that's exactly what makes the first Guardians of the Galaxy so wonderful. Peter Quill, famous Chris Pratt star in Star-Lord (a crazy pseudonym), must be accompanied by a remarkably ridiculous hero, who is necessarily flanked by a more or less competent crew. Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon is a treasure, as is Dave Bautista as Drax; both operate as opposite ends of the same schmuck-y piece. (We think he's very smart but he's not, we think he's not so smart but he is!)

The entire Guardians team plays each other in a moving and moving manner, with jokes dotted with acts and dramas that leave lasting and affecting impacts. Guardians of the Galaxy is not a superhero movie; it's a comedy that works as a mission statement. Superheroes must not be more or less ridiculous. Under Marvel's thumb, they can be both. -A F

4) Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

The most crucial element of The Winter Soldier is the chemistry between Steve Rogers of Chris Evans and Natasha Romanoff of Scarlett Johansson. Rogers is a good soldier and a good man. Romanoff comes from the other end of the spectrum, a former spy who has to face the worst of men. The two men meet at S.H.E.L.D., a rare thing they believe in. It's devastating for both, in very different ways – his identity, his confidence – when they discover that Hydra has infiltrated their organization.

When Hydra takes off, including the re-emergence of Bucky Barnes as the most effective killing machine in the world, both must trust each other despite their divergent worldviews and perceptions of the world's people. And in turn, they bring out the best one from the other. -AAS

3) Avengers: End of the game (2019)

End of GameThe climatic battle sequence of the battle is easily the most colossal superhero fights ever created. It's made of this Marvel magic that makes you shiver and puts your heart in your throat. The sequence alone is likely to cause tears of spectacle – as your eyes scale, to the size and emotion of the whole. Proof that a well-executed battle scene can lift the spirit.

But beyond his big fight, End of Game offers thoughtful reflections on grief, failure and bereavement. It shows humanity (or its devastating absence) behind the basic Avengers – Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Hulk and Hawkeye – when they are at their lowest. The Avengers never had to bear the burden of dropping people, and the way End of Game explores that emotional turmoil makes us understand our heroes, and heroism, through a different but equally effective lens. –ASA

2) The Avengers (2012)

Directed by Joss Whedon, The Avengers It was the film that, when released in 2012, represented the best of Marvel. And it's still the standard to which superhero movies will be compared. The Avengers reunited the most powerful heroes of the Earth and released them in the midst of an incessant alien invasion in New York, led by Marvel's beloved darling, Loki. This is the first time that Marvel's strategy of interconnecting several films has finally brought everyone together to form a team.

The film could easily have been out of control, but in the hands of Whedon and Robert Downey Jr.'s cast, it was simplified, uncluttered, and almost clinical in the way it portrayed the growing joy and pulpy delight of this book the movies are able to tap into. –ASA

1) Black Panther (2018)

More than any Marvel movie – more than most popular blockbuster movies, even the most popular – Black Panther feels important. That seems to me relevant. He feels both of our time and take off in it. Black Panther is a movie where black royalty becomes a superhero. It is a film where the entourage of this superhero is composed of black women with dark skin, ferocious, strong and incredibly intelligent. It's a film that has been defended as much by its inherent darkness as by its normalized C & # 39; is.

Black Panther is not a black superhero movie. It's a Marvel movie, and damn good too; critics, the public and Oscar voters seemed to agree on this point. There is a beautiful story of origin that unfolds here, full of powerful fighting sequences, instantly memorable characters and a villain so hypnotic that we might even want to root for him too. There is also hope for many things, including the fact that people who are like me or who are many of us can also save the world. -A F


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