Avengers Endgame: The cinematic universe of Marvel explained


SPOIL ALERT! This article contains details about the intrigues of some Marvel movies, including recent releases.

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Why so serious? Perhaps the Avengers: the actors of the last phase get around the ins and outs of the MCU

The sequel to Marvel Avengers: Endgame arrives in UK theaters on April 25 and is expected to be the biggest release in 2019.

The film will be the 22nd entry of the Marvel film universe, which debuted with Iron Man in 2008.

If you want to watch Endgame, but you feel discouraged by the size of the MCU, do not be afraid!

Here is everything you need to know.

What is the Marvel film universe?

The cinematic universe Marvel – or MCU for short – is the place of sharing where the 22 films featuring comic characters take place.

Each tells its own story, but also connects to other MCU films to tell a global story. This is a technique that the Marvel Comics pioneer, Stan Lee, also used in his comics.

The MCU is the most successful film franchise of all time, with more than $ 18.2 billion (£ 13.7 billion) to date.

In which order should I watch the movies?

We suggest you watch the movies in chronological order rather than in the order in which they were broadcast.

In the book Marvel Studios: The first 10 years, Marvel has published an official calendar to help you achieve this goal.

We added the films released since the release of this book and voila, here is a practical diagram to help you organize your Marvel viewing!

Just a geek note on the diagram. Technically, the main events of Ant-Man and the Wasp take place before Infinity War, but we suggest you watch it later to fully appreciate the post-credit scenes, which will take place later.

Why did Marvel start with these characters?

In 2007, Marvel was recovering from bankruptcy and sold filming rights for some of the company's most popular characters, such as the X-Men and Spider-Man.

Marvel still owned the superheroes who formed the Avengers' main team – Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Captain America – so used the first MCU films to showcase these heroes.

Marvel then assembled these characters for the Avengers Assemble crossover movie. You can see a list of all current members of The Avengers here.

The crossover was planned from the beginning.

The first MCU movie, Iron Man, featured a post-credit scene in which Samuel L Jackson's super spy Nick Fury made the first mention of the Avengers.

I do not have time to watch all the movies! What can I skip?

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Do as Thanos and halve the size of the MCU

The finale is the finale of a series of 22 films.

But, do not worry, you do not need to watch everyone to be fully prepared.

Here are the 10 movies you can ignore and still understand the basics of Endgame.

  • The incredible Hulk – you will learn everything you need to know about the key characters here in Avengers Assemble
  • Thor – same
  • Thor: The World of Darkness – you do not need to see this to understand the essentials of Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • The Iron Man 2 – Scarlett Johansson fans might not want to ignore this one, because it marks his entry into the MCU
  • Iron Man 3 – Robert Downey Jr is still observable, but skipping this will not leave you puzzled
  • The ant man – Scott Lang and his superpowers are once again featured in Captain America: Civil War
  • Strange doctor All you really need to know is that this movie presents the stone of the time.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 2 – There are good character developments here, but that will not give you any new information about the final battle
  • Black Panther – We are reluctant to suggest you ignore this Oscar-winning film because it's one of the best in the MCU. However, aside from presenting Wakanda as a venue, you will get most of the relevant information about the characters featured here in Captain America: Civil War. and Avengers: Infinity War
  • Captain Marvel – Again, look at this if you can, but if you're pressed for time, all you need to know is that Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) got her powers from the Stone of the space (or Tesseract) and that it will be important for the final battle in Endgame. In addition, the man who assembled the Avengers – Nick Fury – lost his eyes to an alien disguised as a cat.

What's so important about Avengers: Endgame?

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Legend of the mediaWatch the Avengers trailer: Endgame

Marvel's plans for his films are structured in phases, each ending with an Avengers crossover film.

Assemble Avengers sounded the end of the first phase and Age of Ultron closed the second phase.

Endgame not only completes Phase 3, but also completes the series of 22 films that Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has named The Infinity Saga.

The new title of the first three phases of the MCU refers to their global history, which sees the gathering of the Infinity Stones (six powerful jewels that confer great power to their owner) and the war against the crazy Titan Thanos (Josh Brolin). You can read a complete guide to Infinity Stones here.

At the end of the game, the remaining Avengers will try to save everyone, after the evil Thanos (Josh Brolin) has captured all the Infinity Stones and wiped out half of all the living creatures in the blink of an eye in Avengers: Infinity War from last year.

You can see a complete list of all the people who died here.

All bets are open as to who is going to the finish line in Endgame, as this also coincides with the end of the contracts of some of Marvel's biggest stars.

  • What we learned from the Avengers trailer: Endgame

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Avengers: Could Endgame be the end of the road for Chris Evan's Captain America?

It has been widely reported that Chris Evans (Steve Rogers / Captain America), Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Robert Downey Jr (Tony Stark / Iron Man) have come to the end of their contracts.

Their Marvel co-stars Scarlett Johansson (Natasha Romonova / Black Widow), Jeremy Renner (Clint Barton / Hawkeye) and Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner / Hulk) are also expected to finish their tenure at the studio.

Although a solo film of Black Widow is planned, it could be a precedent, so there is no guarantee that the character of Johansson will survive.

One thing is certain though – no matter what happens, it will take time for the story of Endgame to unfold.

This is the longest entry in the MCU so far, recording three hours and two minutes. It's the same length as the first installment of Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy, An Unexpected Journey (2012).

What is the future of the MCU?

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Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), probably in reaction to rumors that one of the main team members of the Avengers might not survive Endgame

We can expect a major upheaval of the MCU, following Endgame.

Phase four begins with the release of Spider-Man: far from home on July 5, 2019.

According to producer Amy Pascal, the movie "will begin a few minutes after Avengers 4 ends as a story".

Spidey of Tom Holland was one of the many heroes eliminated in Thanos's Snap in Infinity War, but considering his role in the film, we can expect him to be alive before the credits of the Endgame.

New films involving other supposedly dead characters have also been confirmed for phase four.

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has confirmed that Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange will be back for a sequel at some point.

Chadwick Boseman should also recover from his disintegration in time for Black Panther 2.

We also know that a third movie of the Guardians of the galaxy has been confirmed, after the rehiring of Disney director James Gunn, but we do not know which Guardians will come back for him. At the end of Infinity War, Rocket by Bradley Cooper and Nebula by Karen Gillan were the only survivors of this franchise.

Feige also hinted that Phase Four could include a solo suite for Captain Marvel of Brie Larson.

New movies featuring overcrowded beings, the Eternals, and the martial art superhero Shang-Chi are also in development.

Which Marvel characters are not in the MCU?

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Dark Phoenix, who plays Sophie Turner in Game of Thrones, will probably be the last time the X-Men will appear in front of the MCU

You might be confused by why some Marvel characters appear in movies that do not connect to the MCU.

The reason is simple.

Long before Marvel Studios existed, Marvel Entertainment had sold the rights of some of its characters to other filmmakers.

Spider-Man has been sold to Sony. The studio created a Spider-Man trilogy with Tobey Maguire and shortly thereafter restarted the franchise with less success with Andrew Garfield in the role of webslinger.

However, Sony and Marvel have entered into a partnership that allows Tom Holland's Spider-Man to feature in MCU films, while Sony retains rights over the character.

Sony also owned the rights of Ghost Rider and had shot two movies about him with Nicolas Cage, until the rights returned to Marvel in 2013.

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Nicolas Cage, perhaps hoping that the strategically placed Ghost Rider brand could inspire Marvel's bosses to give a green light to a new film

The Fantastic Four series and the X-Men have been sold to 20th Century Fox, although Marvel Studios hopes to recover the rights to both properties this year due to the merger between Disney and Fox. Fusion means that Marvel could introduce these characters into the MCU in future movies.

Fox also directed the Deadpool movies, starring Ryan Reynolds, which remain firmly outside the MCU.

We do not know what the future holds for this franchise, because the rude and pansexual superhero is certainly not the most family-friendly character.

However, Deadpool's films were a commercial success and star Ryan Reynolds hinted on social media that he would like the character of Disney to have a future.

Fox also owned the rights of Daredevil, which in 2003 produced a film starring Ben Affleck, and the 2005 derivative film, Elektra, before the rights reverted to Marvel.

Universal films by Hulk and Blade Films from New Line Cinema are also the result of agreements made before the rights of these characters come back to Marvel and do not belong to the MCU.

I saw all the MCU movies. What can I watch?

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Clark Gregg seems very happy that his character is resurrected, so he can continue to cash these checks Marvel.

Do not worry. The MCU offers many TV shows to keep you going.

  • Agent Carter – follow the adventures of Hayley Atwell's agent, Peggy Carter, who takes back her role of the MCU films of this series diffused from 2015 to 2016.
  • The agents of Marvel de S.H.I.E.L.D. – the show that proves that Avengers Assemble was not the end for agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg).
  • inhuman – This program was broadcast on the American network ABC for a series. It was centered on the Inhumans – an alien race with super-powers in contact with the Earth.
  • Runaways – This show, based on the comics of the same name, is broadcast on the Hulu streaming service. The result is six teenagers who discover that their parents are bad guys.
  • Cape and Dagger – This series on a love story between two super powerful teens is on ABC's Freeform network. It is based on characters first appearing in the spectacular Spider-Man comics.
  • Netflix Marvel TV Shows – Marvel's deal with Netflix is ​​now over, but you can still enjoy the crazy adventures of Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and The Punisher on the streaming service. The set show The Defenders is a real highlight. Although they are apparently installed in the MCU, these programs have a darker tone and do not connect to any of the movies.

If you are now a hardcore fan and wish to immerse yourself in the MCU, Digital Spy has put in place a complete timeline of all movies and TV series.

You can also watch the original movie Marvel – the famous flop of the 80's Howard the Duck.

The feathered superhero will soon be one of four actors in the adult animated series Marvel Television. Consider this essential research.

Disney has also announced plans for several new Marvel TV series, including one based on Thor's foster brother, Loki, on his new streaming service, Disney +, so that there will be much more content Marvel to look in the future.

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