Avengers: Final Plot – What does Captain Marvel tell us about the Infinity War sequel?



As entertaining as Captain Marvel has its own merits, the new superhero movie is exciting for many viewers because of its connection to Avengers: Endgame, the long-awaited sequel to Infinity War which is due out just weeks after. than Brie Larson Skulls.

And yes, by the end of the month, Captain Marvel fans will have a better idea of ​​what can be expected from Endgame, and more specifically how the big cliffhanger of Infinity War will be resolved in April.

But first, a refresh. In 2018, Infinity War ended when super-spy Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) used a special pager to call Invisible Captain Marvel (Larson), shortly before his dissolution, following the successful attempt by wicked Thanos (Josh Brolin). eliminate half of all living things (including many Avengers and their allies).

Captain Marvel, in the '90s, brings the clock back to decades before the Avengers associate for the first time, the Infinity Stones hardly shining in the eyes of a Celestial – but the film explains the past behind the pager as we saw it in Infinity War, as well as why Fury did not use it before (a question about which Jackson has his own theories).

During the film, Fury used the high-tech pager (well, in 1995) several times before Carol (Larson) confiscated it. He only returned it to him at the end of the story after improving it with Kree technology.

"I improved it," Carol told Fury. "The scope should be at least two or three galaxies."

However, she is initially a little reluctant to hand it over, so Fury says, "What, do you think I'm going to call you?"

"For emergencies ONLY," she insists.

After that, Captain Marvel flew with the Skrulls to find them a new home (a possible story for a sequel? Who knows?), Leaving Fury on Earth – and at the strict command of Carol that he do not call him unless he does it absolutely. Perhaps it's not surprising that Fury has resisted until people literally dissolve in the streets.

And apparently, the story of the pager will be picked up in the first moments of Endgame, with Captain Marvel's first post-credits scene showing the Avengers in turmoil after Thanos's deadly fingertip.

In the scene, the pager is visible in a clip connected to a power source external to the headquarters of the Avengers, while Captain America (Chris Evans) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) discuss their terrible defeat.

"It's a nightmare," says Cape.

"I had better nightmares," she says.

Alongside Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner and Don Cheadle's War Machine, while a 3D screen displays a list of missing (ie, people who have been crushed by Thanos), the remaining Avengers realize that the pager has finally stopped sending his signal – and Black Widow is determined to make it work again (having already made Banner help him last longer), if only for decode the last act of Nick Fury.

"I want to know who's on the other end," she said, demanding that they send back the signal.

However, everything has already passed, Captain Marvel suddenly appearing behind them, threateningly asking "Where's Fury?"

It's a great joke that unites Captain Marvel's budding friendships between Carol and Nick and the amusing "Heroes Meet Other Heroes," a movie from the Avengers movies – and that tells us a few things we did not have. not known before.

First of all, assuming it's a scene from the completed movie, it seems likely that Captain Marvel will be present early in the movie's narration – we guess that after two cold and open scenes following other characters, we come to this exchange the Avengers base, which seems to be the first appearance of these characters especially given their topic of conversation – and Carol could take some time to trust her new allies, as the only humans she was close to could not be found.

Who knows – based on past team films, we might even see some of the classic absurdities of heroes versus heroes to show Carol's powers before she finally decides to trust the remaining Avengers.

In this post-credit scene, we can also note that Carol has not aged much since the time of the film Captain Marvel – his hairstyle is a little different, but other than that, nearly 25 years ago Not much affected – suggesting that rumors of a plot in time might actually have a basis (unless it ages much more slowly due to its partially kree biology, as it is mentioned in Captain Marvel that his adoptive species lives longer).

Captain Marvel's integration into Endgame's story is more of a debate, but its power level (where it easily destroys a Kree bombing on its own and flies across the space gap) will certainly be a valuable addition. to the rest hero.

Moreover, the nature of his powers, derived from the important Tesseract (aka this brilliant blue cube of several Marvel films), gives him a connection with the infinite stones Thanos had. habit of realizing.

The Tesseract was really the stone of space, one of the first additions to the Thanos challenge, and Captain Marvel was invested in it – so who can say that she could not use the same power to destroy it, just as did Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) use her infinite stone-conferred abilities to destroy the stone of mind in Infinity War (temporarily)?

Anyway, the wait is short: there are only seven weeks left between the release of Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame.

However, we can not help but think that this delay will seem as long as Carol Danvers' 24-year-old will be ghostly by Nick Fury …

Captain Marvel is now in British cinemas


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