Ayesha Curry responds to criticism of her comments on Steph's groupies and insecurities


Ayesha Curry will express herself, and no matter what you think.

The famous company leader went on Instagram to express some of his feelings on social media after appearing on Jada Pinkett Smith's Facebook show, "Red Table Talk".

In the show – which began on Monday – Curry tackled the toughest aspects of the Warrior star's wedding, Stephen, especially with regard to scary and furious fans and groupies.

READ ALSO: Ayesha Curry details the interaction with the Warriors fan

Some online hate seemed to come from Curry's comments, which included having doubts and insecurities about herself when she received no attention from men.

"Stephen is very kind of nature and he is very talkative … Obviously, you know that the devil is a liar, the ladies will always be hiding, hoping to have a moment to wait for them. be aware of it, "she says. . "Honestly, I hate that … We had the conversation about it and he's been doing really hard work if we go somewhere, he introduced me.I do not like being forced to present."

"I have zero – it sounds weird – but, like, a male attention, so I start to internalize it and say to myself, 'Something is wrong with me? & # 39; "Curry added later. "I do not want it, but it would be nice to know that someone is watching."

This triggered unsavory online comments from people who criticized the Food Network chief for his remarks, Newsweek reported.

READ ALSO: Ayesha Curry shows a new tattoo honoring her family

On Wednesday, Curry addressed some of the hate by writing that if she expressed her feelings, another woman like me would feel like she was not[[[[sic]alone, "then he" does all this hype is worth it. "

"I've never been inclined to lock my feelings and emotions to any level, I'm human," Curry wrote. "It gives me a pure joy to speak in my mind, to be vulnerable from time to time and to know myself internally and externally.

"As a mental health awareness month, I really want to take the time to encourage everyone to tell their truth, regardless of their perception, their integration into the mold or to offend anyone." 39, one, because it is YOUR truth, and that's fine!

"If what I'm not afraid to say out loud about being a 30 year old mom out of 3 helps another woman like me feel like they're not the only ones nor the only ones to suffer from insecurity (because we ALL play them), so it's all worth it. "

Curry encouraged his followers to look beyond the commentary and the coverage of the news of the interview and to watch the episode themselves, before finishing his comments on a positive note:

"As women, let us continue to nurture, empower, not repress or repress our feelings and thoughts, however fleeting they are … Love, to all of you! Go FIND YOUR JOY and SAY YOUR TRUTH without excusing yourself . "

SFGATE writer, Katie Dowd, contributed to this report.


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