Aziz Ansari discusses the scandal of sexual misconduct in the new issue of Netflix


In his new special show on Netflix, Aziz Ansari did not ignore the charges of sexual misconduct brought against him that were revealed last year.

Just minutes after "Right Now," released Tuesday on the streaming platform, the comedian told the audience that it was necessary to talk about the allegations that were posted on the babe website in January 2018, during his comedy tour.

"It was times when I was scared, there were moments when I felt humiliated, moments when I was embarrassed, but in the end, I felt horrible that this person feels so ", did he declare. "After about a year, I just hope it was a step forward. This has made things happen for me, has made me think a lot, I hope to become a better person. "

The actor remembered a conversation he had with a friend, who told him that the incident had made them think about each date they were.

"I thought," Wow. It's pretty amazing. This has not only made me but other people more thoughtful, and that's a good thing, "he said. "And that's what I feel about it."

Ansari was charged with sexual assault by a 23-year-old woman identified only by "Grace" in the article in order to protect her identity. She told her story after seeing the actor win the title of Best Actor in a Golden Globe comedy last year while wearing a lapel pin for the Time's Up anti-sexual harassment organization.

Grace claimed that the two men had met at a party and had returned to the actor's apartment that night, where Ansari had started sexual intercourse. According to the woman, she felt compelled to continue her activities despite "verbal and non-verbal cues indicating discomfort and distress".

She said she sent Ansari a text message after the experience to tell her "it seemed to be fine. But I did not feel good at all. "

"I am so sad to hear that," said Ansari at the time, according to the article. "All I can say is that I never intend to make you or anyone feel the feelings you have described. Clearly, I misinterpreted things at the moment and I'm really sorry. "

After the broadcast of the play, Ansari responded, confirming many details and saying that he thought the meeting was "totally consensual".

"It was true that everything seemed good to me, so when I heard that it was not the case for her, I was surprised and worried," he said in his statement. "I took her words to heart and responded privately after taking the time to deal with what she had said."


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