Bad Flashbacks of Uncle Ben's Death (s) Made Priceless Jokes


Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben

Ben Parker has been killed time and time again. Literally, we've watched him die twice in the big screen-once Spiderman, and then again in The Amazing Spider-Man-and we get it, with great power comes great responsibility. And, apparently, part of that responsibility is killing off Uncle Ben as if we POSSIBLY FORGOT that Uncle Ben dies.

To be honest, I wanted to see more than just see Timothy Olyphant in a picture with Marisa Tomei on, like, to dress somewhere, and that'd be enough for me. Uncle Ben dying has become the Waynes being killed of the Marvel world. We know it happens; we understand the significance. We do not need to see each other just because it's part of the story. I liked that the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies have not been so easy to understand and do not push it. I liked that we got little references and could dream cast Uncle Ben.

We all breathe a sigh of relief when they did not feel the need to retreat and marvel of Kevin Feige no longer overseeing the standalone Spider-Man movies just dredged up a lot of bad memories of the reboots and the last go -round, though Sony has thankfully made a statement about keeping Spider-Man on the path

Twitter goal, as it so often does, turns those bad feelings into priceless jokes.

Anyway, I'm on something.

cliff robertson has uncle ben in Spider-Man.

(image: Sony)

Honestly, I just want this thing to blow up and be fine so I can not live on my Spidey-loving ways, but also I'm very worried about the future of Peter Parker. Can you blame me? They have a Venom 2, coming and I very Clearly remember Spider-Man 3.

(featured image: Sony)

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-The Mary Sue has a strict commentary that is forbidden, but is not limited to anyone, hate speech, and trolling.-


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