Bahamas announces updated travel and entry protocols – cruise industry news


Ships in Nassau

The Bahamas today announced streamlined entry protocols, according to a press release, as the country hopes to reclaim tourism and cruises.

It should be noted that COVID-19 testing aligns with CDC testing protocols in the conditional framework allowing cruise lines to restart operations.

Cruise passengers and crew would be covered by tests already carried out by the cruise line before boarding before the ship arrives in the Bahamas.

As of November 1, 2020, the Bahamas will require all travelers:

  • Get a COVID-19 RT PCR test five (5) days prior to arrival.
  • Apply for a Bahamas health travel visa at
  • Throughout the visit, complete an online health questionnaire daily for symptom tracking purposes.
  • Take a rapid COVID-19 antigen test on day 5 of the visit (unless you are leaving on day 5).
  • Always wear a mask and always socially distanced in public places.
  • In addition, as of November 14, 2020, all visitors will be required to purchase compulsory COVID-19 health insurance when applying for a health travel visa. The insurance will cover travelers for the duration of their stay in the Bahamas.

AB InBev


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