Banks, Brokerages, PSN, Steam Store and more are massively internet down


Many websites, including banking pages, brokerage houses, and gambling services, have been affected by what appears to be a major internet outage. As website owners and businesses that operate services providing the backbone of the web scramble to fix the issue, consumers have been unable to access services like Ally Bank, Fidelity, Sony’s PlayStation Network. , Airbnb, etc. Several airline sites are also having problems: Delta, British Airways and Southwest sites all have major problems.

At this time, it’s unclear what caused the outage, although DownDetector reports that AWS and Akamai, a pair of content delivery networks that host much of the internet, are both having issues. Akamai’s status page reports that the company is currently investigating an issue with its DNS service. CEO of Cloudflare rang say his service is not to blame. We contacted Akamai and Oracle; his Oracle Cloud was also mentioned as potentially having a problem.

Some sites display error messages and some fail to load all together.

Gaming services have also been hit hard. DownDetector is reporting a peak of over 40,000 users who are having issues with the PlayStation Network, and the Steam store is not currently working either. DownDetector also reports issues with games like Fortnite and Call of Duty. Sony’s PSN status page recognized an issue shortly before this article was published: “PlayStation Network services are up and running, but there are external internet-wide issues that could affect your experience.” wrote the company.

The Pingdom Live Map shows that the problem is global.

When it comes to more essential services, the websites of many banks appear to be non-functional, and there are reports 911 systems being down in several states. It is not clear, however, whether the emergency services outage is linked to other web outages – the Grayson County, Va., Sheriff’s Department reports that its 911 outage was due to a fiber outage.



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