Bannon predicts overwhelming victories for “MAGA policies” in 2022 and 2024


Former White House adviser Steve Bannon predicted a “landslide victory” for MAGA policies midway through 2022, which will lead former President Donald Trump to a second term in 2024.

“We’re going to have a landslide victory in 2022, and that’s just the preamble to a landslide victory in 2024, and this time we’re going to be ready – and have a MAGA perspective, MAGA policies, not standard Republican policies.” he told people appointed by politicians at a social club in Washington, DC last week, according to NBC News.

When that happens, Bannon has said he wants to see an army of “shock troops” enter federal agencies and help Republicans completely re-equip the government by instituting their policies.

“If you want to take control of the administrative state and deconstruct it, then you have to have shock troops ready to take it back immediately,” Bannon later told NBC News in an interview published on Saturday.

Steve Bannon.
Steve Bannon has said he wants to see an army of “shock troops” enter federal agencies and help advance MAGA policies.
Martin Divisek / EPA

“I gave them fire and brimstone,” said Bannon, who led Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016, he said last Wednesday at the rally of former Trump political candidates at the Capitol Hill Club.

He said the Trump administration was hampered by the inability to fill the nearly 4,000 positions for presidential appointments in federal agencies and delayed in implementing its policies as new recruits struggled to keep up. upgrade.

Bannon has been invited to speak by the new Association of Republican Presidential Appointees.

Donald Trump.
Steve Bannon says the Trump administration has been hampered by the inability to fill the nearly 4,000 places for presidential appointments in federal agencies.
Ben Gray / AP

“There are so many laws and regulations as well as agency and departmental policies, it can be very overwhelming when you first walk in,” said Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, a former head of the Board of Governors of the broadcasting which is one of the organizers of the group. NBC.

“This is an organization that has a very narrow, clear and indispensable purpose, and once it gets up and running I think it could do a lot of good not just for the Republican Party but for the country,” did he declare.

Bannon was among former Trump administration officials who were subpoenaed last month by the House committee investigating the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill.


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