Bannon predicts that 2019 will be "the most vitriolic year of American politics since before the American Civil War" | Video


Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon had predicted Sunday in an interview with CBS '"The Face Nation" that "the coming year will be" the most vitriolic year of American politics since before the civil war. "

"I think the next 90 days to four months will be a real meat grinder," he said. "You have the Mueller report coming in. You have what is going on in this investigation of the inaugural committee, you have the southern district of New York, you have other investigations going on, I mean the pressure on the president comes from different angles. "

"I think 2019 will be the most vitriolized year of American politics since before the American Civil War," he said. "And I've included Vietnam in that, I think we're going to have a very nasty 2019 year."

SETH DOANE: With regard to the 2020 campaign, do you think that President Trump will see his main competitor?

BANNON: Oh really. I clearly think of the center, the moderate republican party and the left of the republican party.

DOANE: Can he resist that?

BANNON: I think it will be symbolic. I do not think it will be serious.

"I think we have to go through 2019. I think two thousand -.

DOANE: People are already starting to look to the future.

BANNON: I think the next 90 days to four months will be a real meat grinder. I think the–.

DOANE: In what way?

BANNON: You have the Mueller report coming out. You have what is going on in this investigation of the inaugural committee, you have the southern district of New York, you have other investigations going on. I mean the pressure on the president comes from many different angles. I think the Democrats have already shown you some of the reports they released here without telling anyone. I think now that they control the House, they can use this report to create a weapon, they could use the Mueller report.

"I think 2019 will be the most vitriolized year of American politics since before the American Civil War. And I included Vietnam in that, I think we are in, I think we are in a very nasty 2019.

"I think what's going on on the other side of that, then you can position yourself for 2020.

DOANE: And you think the president can come out of 2019 in a much weaker position?

BANNON: No, I think it's coming out in a much harder position. I think the chair will have four or five very difficult months. I think, for the team around him. But I think it will be … I think it will be a lot of focus.


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