Battle Angel just to set up a sequel


Photo: 20th Century Fox

[Cequisuitcontientdesspoilerspour[Thefollowingcontainsspoilersfor[Cequisuitcontientdesspoilerspour[ThefollowingcontainsspoilersforAlita: Battle Angel, so do not read this if you do not want to know the plans in a row.]

Marvel films have all led us to hope that surprising people would appear after the film's credits to edit the next film, typically Samuel L. Jackson, but it's rare that surprising actors appear in the middle of the film. In the end, that's what happens at Robert Rodriguez Alita: Battle Angel, which features glorified cameos from three actors who are really there to be able to appear in a hypothetical Alita suites. had the scoop on these appearances after sitting with Rodriguez, and he explained that he was essentially turned to people whom he knew and had asked for a favor.

But enough blockage: we already knew that Alita Christoph Waltz and Mahershala Ali, but we now know that he also includes Edward Norton, Michelle Rodriguez and Jai Courtney. Norton plays Nova, a scientist who has built a lot of villains against whom Alita de Rosa Salazar is fighting in the movie. Rodriguez plays Gelda, the cyborg that formed Alita, and Courtney plays a champion of the motorball superstar who will fight Alita in a suite. The problem, however, is that no suite is currently in development and that Robert Rodriguez does not even have a script for it.

Rodriguez said Be there soon that there was "virtually no way" to tell the story he wanted to tell without including these characters in one way or another, but even if they do not have much impact on this in his film, he did not want to cast anyone because he knew they would be important in a hypothetical sequel. So, to get around this problem, Rodriguez and producer James Cameron just waited to film these scenes until they found people with whom they had already worked and were willing to do it. He also noted that this required some trust from Norton, Rodriguez and Courtney, as they might not be interested in the subsequent sequel to the sequel, but all three fortunately have an experience of redesigning or writing suites.


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